Example sentences of "[subord] by the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This Invention relates to lifts for transferring barges and other vessels from one level to another on canals and other waterways in lieu of an ordinary lock or flight of locks , the object of the invention being to obviate the loss of water from the higher to the lower level by lockage inseparable from the ordinary system and to provide for the passage of vessels simultaneously in both directions and at a single life and between levels of widely different altitude where by the loss of time incidental to the passage through a flight of locks is in great measure avoided .
2 The government interest was even stronger in the upper chamber , where by the end of Anne 's reign between 40 per cent to 50 per cent of those peers active in the house held places or pensions from the Court .
3 Such men did not take kindly to orders and supervision , and were indeed often beyond effective control , except by the collective of their workshop .
4 However , the steepness of its banks made it impossible for vehicles to cross except by the bridge at the southern and of the town which , in 1815 , was only two and a half yards wide at its broadest point .
5 The Increase of Rent and Mortgage Interest ( War Restrictions ) Act 1915 restricted the right of landlords of dwelling houses within defined values to increase the rent , except by the amount of any increase in rates or on account of expenditure incurred on improvements .
6 Although by the turn of the century most of the food adulteration that had characterised the nineteenth century grocery trade had disappeared , customers were still cheated by unscrupulous retailers who gave short weight by including an excessive amount of packaging around products such as tea .
7 And so it has gone on , although by the end of the 1980s it was evident that the patience of even a government as dedicated to the eventual triumph of nuclear power as Mrs Thatcher 's was showing signs of severe strain .
8 Although by the end of the century all four leading denominations had temperance committees and urged parliamentary action to curb ‘ the trade ’ , Teetotal organizations were confined to the Baptists and Congregationalists .
9 Although by the end of the century their numbers are likely to rise to approximately 350,000 , their proportion to the whole Syrian population is unlikely to change .
10 Cuba also threatened to retaliate by disrupting channels of communication within the US , although by the end of April no such action had been reported .
11 The ANC leadership rejected this as a " propaganda ploy " , although by the end of the month the ANC was reported to be under intense diplomatic pressure to attend the " peace summit " .
12 Although by the end of April the authorities had yet to decide whether to file charges arising from the incident , both the Kennedy family and the alleged victim had employed formidable legal teams to represent their interests .
13 Although by the end of 1203 Otto controlled an area from the French frontier to the Elbe , his cause was by no means won .
14 It seems clear that the labour needs of the growing mining and manufacturing districts were not significantly met by long-distance migration , although by the end of the period Irish immigrants were contributing , especially to the factory towns of the North .
15 At first , industrial action took the form of short strikes — the unions ' traditional weapon since the early fifties ( although by the spring of 1968 the level of picketing and violence was unusually high ) .
16 Senior Household officials like the Treasurer of the Chamber , the Chamberlain , the Vice Chamberlain , the Captain of the Guard , the Controller of the Household , and the Treasurer of the Household evidently held their posts under the Tudors without a patent and at the pleasure of the monarch , although by the reign of Charles I many of them had acquired a life interest .
17 Newcastle 's success is less easy to explain , for as late as the early sixteenth century its main export commodity was wool , although by the reign of Henry VIII it seems to have expanded its trade in coal , iron and lead ( 59 ; 71 ; 75 , p.45 ) .
18 And so Ian went north to Barnsley but , after completing another century of appearances for The Tykes , his link with Palace was re-established in June 1984 when he joined Steve Coppell as Assistant Manager here at Selhurst Park , and helped to fashion the team that restored 1st Division football at The Palace in 1989 , although by the time of Palace 's promotion , Ian had taken over as Manager of Swansea City .
19 It was clearly a site of some importance and it is not impossible that Rochester was the centre of one of the four Kentish kingdoms mentioned by Caesar , although by the time of Claudius ' invasion these kingdoms appear to have been united under one ruler .
20 There is in my judgment no objection to the decisions attacked in this case on the ground that they were or may have been taken by junior ministers rather than by the Secretary of State .
21 So the shock he felt now was fuelled more by the power of the deceit worked upon him than by the sex of the deceiver .
22 The report is more interesting than by the member for South East Derbyshire er not that there 's much sex in it but if er er i it 's more interesting er sexual favours provided by B C C I officials to certain persons affiliated er with the firm .
23 If even attempts to improve the standard of estate management did not raise the level of the returns ( and the study of the Talbot Whitchurch estates suggests that these were more affected by the underlying economic conditions than by the standard of management ) , the only prospect for a lord was to seek some supplementary income beyond that of his estates .
24 Nowhere is this better exemplified than by the rape of Jackie Berkley by police officers at Moss Side police station , and the shooting of Cherry Groce in Brixton and Cynthia Jarrett in Tottenham during police raids on their homes .
25 The relevant statute empowered the minister to set up such a committee but in this case he refused to do so on the ground that the complaint was unsuitable for investigation because it raised wide issues ; that if the committee upheld the complaint he would be expected to make an order to give effect to the committee 's recommendations ; and that the complaint should be dealt with by the Board rather than by the committee of investigation .
26 He was if anything more irritated by the quiet drumming of the electric typewriter than by the clatter of the old mechanical one .
27 Nowhere is this better exemplified than by the way in which Ireland ( Eire and Ulster ) takes to the rugby field as one team .
28 Now go ahead to reach Piazza Giuseppe Missori , a square dominated less by the buildings , which are not well enough ordered to impose any discipline on the place , than by the statue of General Missori himself .
29 What it means is that the time of release from prison is determined by the Home Secretary , on the advice of the Parole Board and the Lord Chief Justice , rather than by the judge at the trial .
30 Can I ask you a que Erm it seems silly to me to call it anything other than by the name of the place where it is .
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