Example sentences of "[subord] they [vb base] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Enabling self-expression allows counsellees to explain to us where they stand at the present time .
2 Or complaint examiner , but even then the investment in that person if they come at the end of the year go , I I would say , what a waste .
3 If they sit at the same or adjacent desks they have a spatial bond .
4 If they sit at the same or adjacent desks they have a spatial bond .
5 ‘ And if they flinch at the sight of the salt , there are persuasions I can use . ’
6 If they win at Faisalabad , their umpires cheat , and if they win at The Oval then they still cheat , but nobody knows how !
7 lt would , for example , sound distinctly odd to have a tone-unit boundary between an article and a following noun , or between auxiliary and main verbs if they are adjacent ( though we may on occasions hesitate or pause in such places within a tone-unit ; some people who do a lot of arguing , notably politicians and philosophers , develop the skill of pausing for breath in such intonationally unlikely places because they are less likely to be interrupted than if they pause at the end of a sentence ) .
8 They 'll be lucky if they stop at the Horseshoe .
9 Why would we consider men fully paid-up perverts if they showed an unnatural interest in Crimplene blouses , but normal red blooded males if they ignite at the mere mention of silk teddies ?
10 So , we 're in a pretty strong position to make acquisitions if they appear at the right price and they fit our strategic framework .
11 if they 're saying there are no restrictions , cos they can not , they simply can not give there good clearance if there was something which is something of a restriction of competition , they must give exemption , they have no jurisdiction to do anything else , if they look at a clause and say
12 That 's , that 's , but , but actually if they look at the DOPACS times , for the people doing the work , the surveyors and the designers , they can do their work in two months which is spread out over a year .
13 We will design the full ad for them if they want at no extra cost .
14 The genital slits are edged with rounded papillae proximally which become more elongated and spine-like until they merge at the edge with the arm comb-spinelets .
15 The demand curve for sterling will shift to the left and the supply curve will shift to the right until they intersect at the fixed rate of exchange .
16 When the man finishes , he sticks all the rubbish in this big black placky bag like they have at the laundrette , and he takes it away .
17 However , unless they move at a very early age , such people rarely sound " totally " American .
18 why are people being spoke it 's because they know at the end of the day it 's what they 're bombarding all these things what we are
19 The pictures in the book are a useful stimulus because they hint at the disasters and yet allow the children to flesh out the world of the carpenters , the gardeners , the cooks , the soldiers , the furniture makers ( perhaps using small pieces of fabric to indicate who they are ) .
20 The Law Game suffers uniquely by its audience : you know that they are there , because they applaud at the beginning .
21 Indeed , even honesty is a mere legal concept now , rather than a moral one , as they undertake to hide important information from us in order to borrow as cheaply as possible , while they lend at the highest practicable rate .
22 They slip and slide against each other — somewhat ponderously , since they proceed at no more than a foot a year and sometimes a great deal less .
23 Roy Inman , manager of the British women 's team , said : ‘ I think Pierantozzi got quite a shock at the worlds in Barcelona last summer , and she wants to try and get the measure of Kate before they meet at the Olympics . ’
24 Many lecturers ( who are seldom trained educationalists ) do not realise the importance of this statement , and announce their topics only when they appear at the lectern .
25 When they meet at the final masking , the atmosphere is again one of ceremony and solemnity , and they speak verse to each other ( V.iv.72–83 ) .
26 Should we not be suspicious of postmodern critiques of the ‘ subject ’ when they surface at a historical moment when many subjugated people feel themselves coming to voice for the first time … .
27 All voiced sounds are likely to lose a certain amount of voicing when they occur at the end of a word or at the beginning .
28 For many weak-form words , when they occur at the end of a sentence .
29 In addition , employees with company mortgages may keep up to £1300 of the proceeds of the sale of their property when they move at the company 's request .
30 When they arrive at the centre they start the day with tea/toast and a chat .
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