Example sentences of "[subord] not all [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although not all the reforms require legislation , the trusts plan does .
2 They are split reasonably evenly between what are often perceived as the ‘ poor ’ North and the ‘ prosperous ’ South , although not all the areas fit such a stereotype .
3 Most if not all the cases we get in Easton , I 'd honest to God say the victim was asking for it.PC .
4 I 'd say Korg have got the A4 just about right , and if not all the sounds are to my liking , then that 's really my bad luck .
5 Though some of the writing and most if not all the compilation were done not so long after the notorious events surrounding the capture of Jerusalem in 587 or 586 , only in the little story of the bowl of lentil soup is Esau portrayed in a poor light .
6 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
7 And each time there was a surge forward in governmental activity , for instance during the war or under the post-war Labour Government , they were prepared to extend their view of what was necessary to cover some if not all the machinery which had been established .
8 As I did not now want her to guess my real reason for keeping quiet on this other matter , I used the truth , if not all the truth .
9 Success in all Outcomes leads to the award of the module , although if not all the Outcomes are achieved , credit will be given for those that are .
10 The notes , if not all the articulation , may be reconstructed from the Oeuvres complètes ( illus.4 ) by taking the two violin parts and bass , and ignoring the rest ignoring , that is , the newly composed viola line , the first bassoon ( much but not all of it derived from the viola ) , both the oboe parts and those passages where flutes double the violins at the octave .
11 It seems highly likely that most if not all the beer produced in Brick Lane by now was porter .
12 The Lombards had soon occupied an area that extended as far south as Perugia , though not all the way east to the Adriatic coast .
13 Eric Nicoli , group chief executive , said yesterday that Keebler would recover this year — though not all the way in one go .
14 Though not all the truth .
15 I did n't have nothing else , ’ which was true , though not all the truth .
16 Even though not all the results of chiropractic adjustment are this dramatic , many sportsmen and women have benefited from chiropractic treatment .
17 The Humberside winter league was cancelled as not all the teams turned up but the anglers left arranged an Open on the Trent at Caythorpe .
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