Example sentences of "[subord] not [vb pp] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although not grown in plantations , it is effectively tended as a crop .
2 Note that although not required in law , corroboration of the victim 's evidence is looked for in practice .
3 Many of the children , even if not born in Ireland , were of Irish parents who had left behind appalling deprivation in their homeland and whose lives had been one long struggle for survival .
4 push off — that was implied in her attitude , if not expressed in words .
5 Johnson ( loc. cit. ) indeed , makes a good case for the mosaic as a product of a group of mosaicists based at Ilchester — an argument which , even if not accepted in detail ( section 4.8 ) , reminds us of the important affinities between this mosaic and others to the south .
6 Buid describe these feelings in terms of the soul rising up from the chest into the neck and issuing forth in bitter words or even violence if not held in check by the mind .
7 No doubt many users of the word ‘ introspection ’ are unaware of its Latin etymology ( from introspicio ‘ look within' ) , yet they are surely influenced by its affinities with ‘ inspect ’ , ‘ spectator ’ , ‘ spectacle ’ ; otherwise , why do they claim to introspect entities as not physical but mental because not extended in space , treating introspection as analogous with sight , which reveals spatial extension , rather than with hearing , smell or taste , which just as much as consciousness of love or anger , hope or fear , exhibit temporal change without spatial extension ?
8 The views when not shrouded in cloud are magnificent .
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