Example sentences of "[subord] [Wh det] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Naturally neither the NSA nor GCHQ will discuss the subject since such telephone tapping is illegal but in 1976 the NSA 's Harvest computer system intercepted 75 million individual telephone conversations alone around the world , of which 1.8 million were considered sufficiently interesting to require further human analysis , although what happened to the information the NSA had collected and how it was shared and used remains a mystery .
2 For the citizens of Attica ( at least in classical tunes : it is remarkable , and sad in its implications for the vitality of deme life , that deme decrees are rare after the fourth century ) deme routine was more immediate , though no doubt objectively less important , than what happened on the Pnyx .
3 The girl that was Angela Morgan had looked out of the photograph , whereas what lay on the ground , arms outstretched , could have been any young woman with dark hair .
4 What was now needed was a ‘ vast , open , modern , outward-looking movement , ’ comprising progressive-minded communists , ecologists , centrists , and human rights activists , as well as what remained of the socialists .
5 What was now needed was a ‘ vast , open , modern , outward-looking movement , ’ comprising progressive-minded communists , ecologists , centrists , and human rights activists , as well as what remained of the socialists .
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