Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] have been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was when I was living in New York , in Greenwich Village , in 1974 , after completing a semester of ‘ creative writing workshops ’ at Ohio University , where I had been very happy .
2 Laura cried , struggling to sit up on the wide leather rear seat of the large car , where she had been so unceremoniously tossed only a moment before .
3 Instead , feeling as though with each step she took she was treading on her dreams , destroying them forever , she followed him mutely back to the sofa and seated herself where she had been before .
4 Somehow you got down here , where you have been since , quietly starving and poisoning yourself to death .
5 We headed for the 4th Squadron where we had been officially invited by some of the English members .
6 He made her laugh at those dinner parties and other gatherings where they had been together .
7 He sat down at his desk , straightening his things that Lee had moved , putting them where they had been before , in the exact spot .
8 In return , Miranda did not mention the occasional missing pair of stockings , headband , hairslide , and , on one occasion , she was almost sure , British Home Stores knickers she 'd had since school , where they had been modestly itemised as ‘ linings ’ in the list of uniform requirements and had her school number scrawled on the waistband by Astrid with a linen marker of indelible ink ( the other girls had Cash 's name tapes in cursive script or small capitals ) .
9 Where they have been most developed , they act to divorce the firm from the factor costs of a national location , and thus provide a further challenge to older notions of comparative advantage determining the outcomes for countries .
10 Tindal C.J. in that case gave as examples of permissible retaking by A from the land of an innocent person , C , ( a ) where the goods have come there by accident ; ( b ) where they have been feloniously taken by B and A follows them to C's land ; ( c ) where C refuses to deliver up the goods or to make any answer to A's demand for them .
11 Gerry , Ahmed and Amitha work for the co-ordinating body of a voluntary advice organization , where they have been centrally involved on the Equal Opportunities Policy Working Party .
12 These developments appear very similar to those experienced in the USA and a number of other countries where they have been variously termed ‘ counterurbanization ’ , ‘ the rural population turnaround ’ and ‘ the rural renaissance ’ ( see Fielding , 1986 , for a review ) .
13 When Home succeeded Macmillan , he moved Edward Heath from the Foreign Office ( where he had been Home 's number two ) to the Board of Trade .
14 Originally from Turangi , in King Country , New Zealand , McIntosh now lives in South Wales , where he has been quietly making a name for himself with his performances for Pontypridd .
15 Late in 1941 a memorandum to the National Executive indicated , as might have been expected , that the main area of loss of membership was London and the home and eastern counties , where it had been most necessary to evacuate the population .
16 He suddenly captured her hand and placed it where it had been before , over the steady beat of his heart .
17 Instead , he had the conduit put up on the site of the planned folly in eighteen eighty-seven , where it 's been ever since .
18 The Japanese system of subcontracting has attracted much popular attention , especially in the motor industry , where it has been widely believed to have improved Japanese industrial efficiency by promoting specialized investment and technical innovation by supplier-firms who , in turn , have their sales guaranteed if they perform effectively .
19 Much work remains to be done on the structure of the shire community , and there are few shires where it has been closely analysed .
20 Although I 've been here for a long time , I 've got my house , got my family here , I 've got comfortable living , although not er luxurious but er normal standard , better standard than I could have in India .
21 Although I have been there myself .
22 To me , it was just another place where I would be pushed around , perhaps even more violently than I had been before .
23 I had never seen a man deliberately killed before and I was more scared even than I had been before .
24 There was plenty of flying , sport , and my work on the aircraft was nearer to the pulse of the Air Force than I had been before .
25 ‘ But I was so ready to become a mother , and I 'm happy and more confident than I 've been before .
26 He said : ‘ I enjoyed the race immensely because I was better trained than I have been previously and , of course , it is always rewarding when you better your personal best .
27 WHILE WATCHING the recent World Cup on television , I was struck , even more than I have been before , by how different are the demands on players in this form of cricket compared with the five-day game .
28 I suppose , after all , I 've had it since ‘ 66 , so I 've been well known for 26 years , which is a long time , and I do n't get anything much out of it any more . ’
29 Once I had been there a little while I really settled in and really enjoyed my primary school days .
30 He 'd asked her to wait for him , and although she 'd been too angry at the time to say that she would , she had nevertheless avoided marriage to anyone else despite the many proposals she 'd had .
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