Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 I am glad you like Mr. Gould : — he has been always very obliging to me — although I never knew him till lately : Mrs. G. appears an exceedingly pleasant & amiable woman .
2 ‘ I read that Malcolm had a plan , so I just let him get on with it .
3 There was one kid , however , who did n't move back as far as the rest of his row , so I politely asked him to get in line .
4 ‘ You did n't say anything about your brother so I never mentioned him to Emily Grenfell .
5 So I suddenly told him that I wished I had a son .
6 However , the Director of the Royal College of Music , Sir Hugh Allen , a pretty terrifying man to a young student , was also Professor of Music in Oxford , so I tremulously consulted him .
7 Once I even caught him buying tinned sardines — with all that fresh fish in the sea ! ’
8 But she could not , so she simply told him in a flat tone , ‘ We 've recently started exporting to Europe and Japan .
9 She told him to call her Sheila , so she probably fancied him .
10 Kate knew it was no good resisting , so she meekly allowed him to shepherd her out of the flat down to the basement where he kept his car .
11 He worked now with his father at the farm , going every morning as the sun came up and not getting back until it was due to set again , so she hardly saw him unless she hid from Ma when it was bedtime .
12 He comes to the door just like that ; no servants , no security phone , and that by itself gives you the green light ; you have n't the time for any finessing so you just kick him in the balls and follow him inside as he collapses , foetal on the floor .
13 It was a wet morning so they just took him to the corner and ran him to the corner of Richmond Row in his bare feet — brought him back — ‘ Put your shoes on ! ’
14 Given the dilemma of whether or not to tell a guy his flies are undone , Kylie admits : ‘ If I really fancied him I would .
15 I comforted myself with a few thoughts of what I would do to the culprit if I ever caught him ; realised that was highly unlikely , and headed for the golf course .
16 If I ever meet him , I 'll kill him ! ’
17 I do n't suppose I 'll like him if I ever meet him .
18 I do n't care if I never see him again . ’
19 Hardy was my poetical father and if I seldom read him now , it is , perhaps because our relationship is so assured as no longer to need being made conscious .
20 cos I nearly give him
21 It 's only cos I fucking told him about it the other night .
22 I do n't think he lives here , cos I never see him except in Ibrahim 's room .
23 I just wear him cos I quite like him .
24 I 'm alright like cos I hardly see him but yous have him all day .
25 Taking his curtain calls after a successful speech , he drew her to him by the hand and entwined his arms with hers until she gently shook him off , whereupon he enjoyed his triumph for a while manfully alone , until he again resorted to his wife Glenys , going to fetch her , leading her again by the hand , and holding her by the waist .
26 Jabbing violently forward , with no thought whatsoever of what she would do if she actually hit him , she did n't even notice where he was retreating until it was too late .
27 If she ever left him I 'd cut him completely adrift .
28 If she really loved him she would be hurt badly at having to give him up , but there was no doubt in Claudia 's mind what Dana would do .
29 If she makes sure she is looking good , feeling good , working well , she has a better chance of taking a cool look at him from a distance and deciding if she really wants him in her life .
30 ‘ But if she really loves him ?
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