Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [verb] every [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Keepers discovered her desperately fighting for life at the West Midlands Safari Park where she had to be hand-reared before being transferred to the Kingsley wildlife sanctuary , Cheshire , where she takes every opportunity to hitch a ride from the resident Bull Terrier bitch .
2 By ten-thirty , Beth had cleared away the breakfast things , washed the dishes and stacked them into the big dresser , wiped down the kitchen table , taken the coconut matting from the floor and hung it over the line outside where she beat every speck of dust from it before replacing it over her freshly scrubbed quarry tiles ; all that done she was now enjoying a cup of tea , before setting about the drawing room .
3 Yet he had never been further from his native village than the horse and carriage festival forty miles away , where he competed every year .
4 He is heard to great advantage in the defiantly difficult Scherzo tarantelle , where he surmounts every complexity with seemingly effortless bravura , whilst his account of the Souvenir de Moscou is magnificent .
5 Mostly I was ignored , although I had every material thing I could wish for .
6 Although I hated every moment of it , and found the task unbelievably difficult , in retrospect it was a marvellous learning ground .
7 Somehow she managed to keep her self-control , opened it at the right page and began reading it slowly , as though she had never seen it before , although she knew every word by heart — because it was written from the heart .
8 So you 'd made a verbal contract over the phone with a lady who you found living on the premises so you had every right to believe that she owned the furniture .
9 So you need every bit of support you can get .
10 not really no once you get every body in and you get started
11 The world of the Press knew Maggie Howard , and hardened newsmen tended to duck although they looked every month for her byline and read her features avidly .
12 Nevertheless , he felt a certain satisfaction in hearing that his fears were not groundless , although he had every sympathy for poor Jane Cartwright 's mishap .
13 Yeah well I mean I saw him what , either a fortnight or three weeks ago , three , probably about three weeks , and at that stage my plaster that I 'd had on after the er op had only been off perhaps a fortnight , it was Christmas intervening you see , so he had every sort of right to say , you know , oh well yeah it should be okay , yeah .
14 And Evans might not handle this creep so he obtained every scrap of information available .
15 I woke as usual at half past six , and went straight out for a run in the park , like I do every morning , with LCpl Smith who has the bunk next to mine .
16 She looks as if she stuck every hairpin in like a knife . "
17 At the end of the ceremony she tottered off to the bus , looking as if she had every intention of popping in to the local when she got home and livening everyone up with a steady dropping of ‘ To think our ‘ Ilda should go before me ’ remarks .
18 She had to look as if she knew where she was going , move as if she had every right to be there ; one challenge could ruin it all .
19 I mean if you bank every day it costs you a fortune .
20 If you remember every word in this book , your memory will have recorded about two million pieces of information : the order in your brain will have increased by about two million units .
21 But the Legion 's North West regional officer Peter Holland said : ‘ If you put every name of every soldier who died while on active service where would you stop ? ’
22 And if you take every chance of
23 Mr Paul Wells , chief executive of the York Visitor and Conference Bureau admits York ‘ can cost a fortune if you visit every attraction ’ but says that it need not be an expensive day out .
24 Because they all have if you like every location business location will have their own favourites who they 're going to recommend that we approach .
25 ‘ You need n't ring her especially , or her parents will think it peculiar if you ring every day to tell her that from me .
26 With a sound of disgust in the back of her throat , she derided , ‘ For an intelligent man , you 're being incredibly stupid — and conceited , ’ she tacked on , ‘ if you think every woman you ever run across wants to trap you , or gain entry into your family , ’ she mocked .
27 ‘ You must have a very inflated opinion of your own worth if you think every woman you meet is after your body .
28 If you save every plastic container that comes into the house — margarine tubs , yoghurt pots — there is no need to buy plastic containers for the freezer or proper flowerpots .
29 If you smile every time one of your subordinates says ‘ good morning ’ then your smile may be positively reinforcing their behaviour to do it again tomorrow .
30 So again there are n't many things that do complete , swimming I think I far as I can see is the only one that does , but then again that depends on how you use the swimming , it , it just , just cos you bathes every week does n't necessarily mean that it does do it for you , it depends what you do , okay ?
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