Example sentences of "[subord] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Such imprecision creates the greatest problems within a legalistic approach to restrictive practices , where courts faced by inadequate definition have had to develop their own interpretations .
2 Intensive rearing practices have been blamed , where animals kept in cramped and often unhygienic conditions are fed on high protein feeds often containing the remnants of slaughtered chickens contaminated with salmonella .
3 Type D may best be described as a culture of relations and co-operation , where opportunities exist for creative thinking .
4 Total orders for the second quarter , to April 30 , were 28.5% up at $5,370m ; orders for computer products rose 32.9% to $4,120m , making it clear that the company , where computers accounted for less than half of the business only a few years back , is continuing progressively to become more and more a pure computer company .
5 Total orders for the second quarter , to April 30 , were 28.5% up at $5,370m ; orders for computer products rose 32.9% to $4,120m , making it clear that the company , where computers accounted for less than half of the business only a few years back , is continuing progressively to become more and more a pure computer company .
6 For more than twenty years , Rockwell 's work has been shown in the Norman Rockwell Museum , a small white clapboard house on the main street of picturesque Stockbridge , Massachusetts , where visitors grew from 5,000 people in 1969 to 160,000 today .
7 Other such epiphytes include some bromeliads and several orchids , where ants live in hollow pseudobulbs or between the roots .
8 Brigitte did make enquiries at Pitmans , where classes started at five in the evening , and at the Kilburn Polytechnic , where there were weekend classes , but continued to doubt her ability to study enough at evening classes .
9 Bonsall was an important centre of framework knitting in Derbyshire , and one of the early workshops , where knitters worked in primitive factories instead of in their own homes , can still be seen .
10 Where successes depends upon each players ability to describe positions in the maze to the other player .
11 Where monks sat in quiet contemplation , guests now seek sanctuary from the city 's bustle amid lush palms and ivy .
12 Such studies have received a lot of publicity , so it is small wonder that the average family doctor suspects a psychological cause rather than a physical one , especially where patients complain of multiple symptoms .
13 Where patients presented with multiple ulcers , however , details of only the four most significant were requested , so information on only 470 ulcers was obtained .
14 Strongest organic growth came on the Continent , where profits rose by 150 per cent in France and 70 per cent in West Germany .
15 keyhole surgery , where surgeons operate through small punctures in the skin instead of making a large cut , viewing their patients ' organs via an endoscope and watching the process on a screen
16 And the heart-beat grew louder and louder and closer to my ear , and I heard the deep booming sound of the sea at its very deepest depths , where monsters live in total darkness and corpses of drowned sailors lie in coral dust .
17 And there is , too , the fact that Cable 's handling of half-line or line patterns reveals not only their structure , but the processes by which the structures were arrived at — as in his remarks about finite-state processing , and the apparent fact that metrical composition is ( or may be ) largely a process of entailment , where decisions taken in one part of a metrical domain have profound consequences elsewhere .
18 Some of it was undoubtedly derived from associations with British India , where graveyards abounded in miniature pagodas and obelisks .
19 Often this can not be avoided where odours emanate from existing premises and uses , but where new development is concerned planning authorities are in the unique position of being able to prevent odour pollution .
20 Where odours arising from offensive trades are , however , in the opinion of the local authority a statutory nuisance within s.92 of the Public Health Act 1936 the local authority is under a duty to take action to seek the odour 's abatement and compliance with the byelaws bestows no immunity in respect of any action which may be taken using the statutory nuisance provisions , nor in respect of any action for a private or public nuisance at common law .
21 Nevertheless , their souls met at the weekend in Rick 's Cafe Americain , where men dressed in crisp linen suits drank bourbon beneath whispering ceiling fans under the watchful eye of a Moroccan inspector of police .
22 Those who are addicted to the vertiginous rhetoric where language tells us nothing about reality , merely about other language , and where signifiers float in endless unattached free play , are apt to be contemptuous of demonstration and logic , seeing them as forms of bourgeois intellectual oppression .
23 The crucifer Braya humilis was originally described as aperiodic in northeast Greenland ( Sørensen , 1941 ) , where flowers produced in late autumn were retained frozen but viable in snow until the following spring ; the same species was found to be periodic , with a late summer growth check , in the harsher snow-free conditions of Hazen , north Ellesmere Island ( Savile , 1972 ) .
24 Visit the Fish Nursery — where tiny baby creatures are reared , where unborn infants can be seen wriggling in their eggcases and where magnifiers focus on fascinating marine life features too miniscule for detection by the human eye .
25 where boxes lined with red and white tissue
26 where senators barked from curtained litters ,
27 As well as making various suggestions for changes to the VAT regime , problems were perceived where shares received from unapproved share option schemes have become valueless .
28 Only in the sub-discipline within archaeology called ethno-archaeology , where archaeologists worked in contemporary ethnographic situations in order to study the relationship between peoples and their material world , was it usually impossible to ignore the social basis of material culture ( e.g. Gould ed. 1978 ; Gould and Schiffer eds 1981 ; Hodder 1982a ; Kramer ed. 1979 ) .
29 Nevertheless , if in our experiments the effects of indomethacin were mediated by an increased production of leukotrienes , one would have expected that indomethacin reversed the beneficial effect of the linoleic diet but not that of the eicosapentaenoic acid diet , or at least not to the same extent , since the lipoxygenase products derived from eicosapentaenoic acid are weaker proinflammatory mediators than products derived from arachidonic acid metabolism .
30 REMEMBER : Calls per unit are much more expensive than calls made from conventional phones .
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