Example sentences of "[subord] [noun pl] [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs M. parked the car in a street of stone houses , where steps led up to the tower .
2 Why was I reminded of Parent-Teacher Association concerts , where mums dress up as Madonna ?
3 Always avoid species where flowers close up at night or when the sun goes in ; variegated varieties , whose rich colours will fade and leaves gradually green over in persistent shade , and ‘ long-day ’ flowers such as iris , rudbeckia and nigella whose flowering depends absolutely on prolonged sunlight .
4 The first is in the village 's neat cemetery , where fields run up to a distant hedgerow and a sign by the gate says ‘ Fast Food Service ’ .
5 Although managers require up to date information they have access to more information on a day to day basis than external users .
6 If more than lip service is to be paid to the notion that we are all equal , then it must be first acknowledged that we are born unequal , and that some of us have to work harder than others to make up for it .
7 In the first case there were probably between 135,000 and 170,000 woollen and worsted textile workers involved in the dispute , although estimates go up to 240,000 , and every union and all sections of the textile workforce were unified in the action which they took .
8 In a compliance system , in contrast , there is much less concern for proving a violation took place ; indeed widespread reliance on strict liability would make the question of proof relatively straightforward if matters ended up in court .
9 Also if abscesses come up in sites other than between the lower jaw antibiotics should be used as these abscesses can get very large without treatment .
10 If agencies wind up in 1993 at the same level as in 1992 , they 'll be doing well , ’ states Martin Larkin , managing director , Irish International Advertising .
11 Unless and until scientists come up with a better way , the drug would probably have be administered by a catheter permanently inserted into the brain , a method currently used in treatments for inoperable brain cancer .
12 He said : ‘ I still maintain we were the best team in the tournament until injuries caught up with us .
13 Such demands for cash will push up interest rates by ½%; or more , unless governments tighten up on spending — which almost inevitably means cutting back even more drastically on social services …
14 You 'd have to pay for your own food , because — unless things look up for us — we shall have to live on grass like Nebuchadnezzar ; but that would n't cost you £1 a week , so you could manage the fare , could n't you ?
15 Unless children grow up in a family , they are bound to find it hard to share and , until she starts playing with other children 's toys , she may well think that all toys belong to her .
16 There was a dramatic fall in light industrial output , while savings went up by 133,400 million yuan , the largest rise ever .
17 For example , even the hedgehog has two somatosensory representations in its cortex , while monkeys have up to seven ( Merzenich and Kaas 1980 ) .
18 Hell was being without God , I thought , but I said nothing , just stared instead at the white wash of cabin light on the rushing water , and I wondered why some people could take cocaine and just walk away from it , while others ended up in hell , or in a peep-show which was probably the same thing .
19 Jack might be jolly enough and a fine fellow when spending his hard-earned cash ashore , but he very quickly became " Poor Jack " when , after months cooped up at sea , he found himself fleeced by prostitutes , brothel keepers , slop-sellers and crimps for no better reason than exploitation of his hunger for female company and his desire for entertainment and refreshment .
20 TOM CLARKE , the shadow Scottish secretary , has lost support among his fellow MPs after controversies stirred up by his recent remarks about water privatisation and the Scottish financial industry .
21 One wonders what Haacke would make of Kosuth : ‘ after years wrapped up in Wittgenstein and promoted by Castelli , mothballed Master of the Ascetic-Esoteric jumps on PC bandwaggon and fills museum with bums and blow-jobs … ’
22 THE United States has denied that American troops or their allies had killed anyone during rioting in the Somali capital , Mogadishu , after reports said up to nine Somalis died .
23 And the ambulance was engulfed in flames before firemen caught up with it .
24 Inspired by Kurt Vonnegut 's image of World War Two in reverse ( Europe 's wounds healing as bombs rise up into planes ) , Amis sends the life of a Nazi war criminal spinning backwards , undoing all the evil and sending the Jews home .
25 IBM third quarter losses exceed the gross domestic product of California as warehouses fill up with unsold RS/6000s .
26 To pack and process them he needed staff , so our terms stipulated a minimum of two months ' summer work , the understanding being that when contracts came up for renewal , priority would be given to those who had put in most time on the slime-line .
27 Bull turned and leaned against the wall , waiting as feet scampered up towards him .
28 For example , when troubles blew up at the Heath Town Estate in the Midlands they were immediately compared with Broadwater Farm and the place labelled a ghetto in the way the media treated the incident .
29 At lunch hours things get busy as customers queue up for the small range of soft pasta dishes and such daily specials as vegetable lasagne or a spicy Italian-sausage casserole — all moderately priced and consistently good .
30 When strangers walk up to you in the street and scream abuse , it hurts , ’ he said .
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