Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] what the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Bangkok , where he had served as governor , Chamlong was deeply respected because of what the Financial Times of May 8 described as " his uncompromising piety and idealism " .
2 Er to take into account wh when coming to agreement as to what the overall levels should be .
3 This is not to essay any argument as to what the ultimate future of Northern Ireland should be .
4 I would not disguise from you that there is concern as to what the ultimate result will be .
5 Among these will be the definitions held by the people involved as to what the primary task of the enterprise is , how its relationships to its environment are conceived by the people in their roles , what uses they make of technologies ‘ and the needs of the members for social and psychological satisfaction , and , above all , for support in the task of dealing with anxiety ’ ( Menzies , 1970 ) .
6 Has there been any investigation as to what the potential users want from the system ?
7 In times of political crisis and upheaval , political and governmental practice ( what " really " happens ) and established constitutional theory ( what the authorities say should happen ) are likely to be out of step and there are severe limits as to what the constitutional theorists can do to shape behaviour .
8 I picked up my cup and saucer and flopped down on to the half-moon hearthrug , curious as to what the desired effect of the substance was supposed to be , and wondering why it had n't worked , when I noticed the saucer felt thicker .
9 The workshop covered a broad spectrum of concerns and issues and there was a large degree of unanimity as to what the main stumbling blocks to employment for women are .
10 It looks as though John McVeir was a party to Moir McIlchenich 's murder although he was never charged with it , and we can only speculate as to what the three accused said before the Baillie on 16th May which induced the authorities to apprehend John McVeir and bring him before the Baillie on 22nd May 1699 — did they " split " on him ?
11 To understand the force of these interpretations of what has been happening we must be clear as to what the contrasting but implicit concept of order is supposed to comprise .
12 Can you give some idea as to what the er , can you give some idea as to what the underlying sales growth was in the first half ?
13 As to what the hon. Gentleman said about those who worked for Karl Construction , the building firm that was decimated on Friday , let me pay here , on the Floor of the House , the most profound tribute to those in civilian employment in the Province who go to work to make it possible for the security forces to do their job .
14 It 's possible to formulate theories of very simple aspects of physics where the laws or the strengths of different forces , say like gravity , actually change from place to place and make predictions as to what the observable consequences should be , erm and to a very degree of accuracy one concludes that the strengths of the forces of nature and the laws and the rules of the game are not changing from place to place .
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