Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 However , what is most interesting is that a deliberate attempt was made to sell it as a concept rather than as what might have hitherto been seen as a package of infrastructural measures .
2 Oddly enough , Ceauşescu was always a shrewder judge of the likely choice for the highest offices of democratic electorates than of who would come out on top of the Soviet politburo .
3 Because of what would have happened to us .
4 Yet we so often feel guilty and uncomfortable ; we feel like children , afraid to own up because of what might happen .
5 ‘ I 've never felt pressure like that , not even during the World Cup two years ago , because of what might have happened had we lost .
6 A senior staff member said that Mr Morgan had been under pressure because of the uncertainty facing the school 's future : ‘ Ronald Morgan was very popular with staff and pupils but he was under pressure because of what will happen here .
7 I 've often speculated since on what would have happened if we 'd just given ourselves up at this point .
8 Next , if I were wise only to my own ends , I would certainly take such a subject as of itself might catch a clause , whereas this ’ — he is of course writing about the vexed question of erm Church government and the possible disappearance of episcopy — ‘ whereas this hath all the disadvantages on the contrary , and such a subject as the publishing whereof might be delayed at pleasure and time enough to pencil it over with the curious touches of art , even to the perfection of a faultless picture , whereas in this argument the not deferring it is of great moment to the good speeding .
9 Using the same value for control absorption as above one can estimate that hexamethonium blocked about 85% and lidocaine about 50% of the secretion caused by the bacterium .
10 The numbers are in green for par and above , for ‘ go ’ as in you might as well go home , and red for below par , for ‘ stop ’ as in you can stop here for the last two rounds .
11 Little wonder then that those who seek peace ( that is the absence of violence ) between nations as well as within them should look to law as a means of regulating and reducing the international use of force .
12 But , with simultaneous political vacuums this weekend in Prague and East Berlin , there must be some apprehension as to what may happen if either or both implodes .
13 Surely an ethical theory is not much use without some view as to what may induce humans to live by it .
14 I you know how conservative I am with figures and er with advising you as to what may occur I 'm myself relatively confident that erm we shall meet our ticket sales target by the year end and that there will be no as there as there 's been in previous years since er the aforementioned not to be noted er crisis .
15 They probed and measured and cross-questioned Phoebe in the most condescending manner , made worse by the fact that they clearly did not have a clue as to what might have happened .
16 For a clue as to what might have been going on , we turn again to the Chinese system of feng shui , which was mentioned in Chapter 4 .
17 He certainly engages in speculation as to what might have happened but treats it as such , continually emphasising that multiple interpretations of the data are possible , that there are many important matters to which he has not had access and that only limited and tentative conclusions may be drawn .
18 Chrissy Allott , Catherine Snelling and Nick Spokes of Fullwell Cross Library in Ilford , Essex , have written to me in response to Brough Girling 's recent call for suggestions as to what might have happened in grown-up life to the heroes and heroines of the children 's books of our youth .
19 Mira takes these facts and re-inserts them in narrative — not the original narrative representations from which they were drawn , for these are inaccessible to her , — but playful conjectures as to what might have been .
20 ‘ Well , all Heather 's friends and relatives have racked their brains for clues as to what might have become of her , as you can imagine , and I remembered her mentioning visiting you here a few months ago . ’
21 My Government accepted your presence here despite warnings as to what might happen if they did so ! ’
22 And he was under no illusions as to what might happen to their relationship if Philippe Chaumont returned .
23 said about the Animal Procedures Act of nineteen eighty six , erm , I know she 's been told about the animals are killed painlessly and that they suffer very little pain , where there 's any pain at all , but in fact this act erm which is governed by a committee only erm issues guidelines as to what might happen .
24 Since in the case of a solicitors ' partnership all parties to such agreements should be taken as being familiar with the legal principles governing covenants in restraint of trade as well as with the particular circumstances of the practice with which they have all been involved , it might be thought that the court would be unwilling to substitute its own ideas as to what might constitute reasonable protection for the business .
25 Do you carry out your research by studying actual disasters as they take place or do you build models , theories as to what might take place ?
26 I could n't get any clear commitment er from er you Mr Mayor , or the leader of the council as to what would do with that three point two million pounds .
27 There will always be the question as to what would have happened if the last remedy had been the first prescription but in my experience that 's the sort of question homœopaths ask rather than patients !
28 As to what would have happened without the event of the accident in her A level year by way of results , I regret I have to find as a fact that she would not in the year of her accident , have achieved the grades necessary for her to take up a place at Norwich City College .
29 So I asked her advice as to what would look nice ,
30 She was being looked after at home by her children and there was a great deal of anxiety being expressed by all the carers involved as to what would happen to the children .
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