Example sentences of "[subord] [noun sg] [verb] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 But it is not generally the stuff that appears on television , where self-restraint has become the norm .
2 Where management has set the framework for efficient cleaning and supervision is adequate faults will rarely arise .
3 But where erosion has removed the outer shell , the elegant curving walls of the flotation chambers that are revealed remind you that these creatures may well have been virtually weightless in water .
4 It is anticipated that once Parliament has approved the general thrust of legislation , the rest can be left to the department to implement piecemeal as is appropriate and convenient .
5 Although Duke had contested the election as a Republican , he had been disowned by most of the party 's establishment , and the official Republican candidate had withdrawn from the contest in order to avoid splitting the anti-Duke vote .
6 Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies .
7 Although deep-freezing has revolutionised the way food is preserved , with some kinds of fish I still prefer the old method of salting and sun drying .
8 Although Kucan had backed the suspending of independence , he was overruled within 24 hours by the Slovenian Assembly .
9 Although SAG has taken the technical issues of SQL interoperability a stage further , the organisation has n't had much success in getting the specifications out of the copy book and into vendors ' products .
10 What is dysfunctional is expenditure in the form of social expenses on system maintenance , either through legitimation or coercion , although discussion has emphasized the former .
11 Although technology has reached the point where such systems are becoming widely viable , they are still expensive compared to the old-fashioned keyboard-based computers .
12 What , once sin has entered the world , it can cost you to obey all those injunctions in the new testament about ‘ I am thy father and thy mother , sell all and follow me . ’
13 Lord Diplock went on to say that the principle applies even though there is reason to think that if Parliament had foreseen the situation before the court it would have modified the words it used .
14 It would be surprising , Mr. Beloff submitted , if Parliament had given the Bank of England the right to issue notices calling for the immediate production of documents which ipso facto overrode court orders , and constitutionally anomalous to allow an executive order to override a judicial order , since it would deny the court an opportunity to balance competing interests ; the court should be slow to conclude that it was excluded from this arena .
15 If Parliament had intended the word to mean ‘ releases other than for value ’ , it could and had to say so .
16 If Labour had won the election , it would have abolished the Broadcasting Standards Council , but thanks to the Conservative victory , the BSC has been saved for the nation .
17 The social groups C2DE still make up 57 per cent of the electorate ; if Labour had enjoyed the same dominance among these voters as do the Tories in social groups ABC1 , they would have swept to power with a big majority .
18 There can be no solutions until humanity has learned the meaning of words like co-operation , unselfishness , fraternity and trust .
19 The implication also is that , if management has got the technology right within the system design , it should then attend to the environment and should allow , within the internal activities , scope for self-organising into autonomous groups .
20 Of course , if granny had heard the shot it would have been all up , but mother would have covered up for him — to the last . ’
21 If nature has discovered the ‘ best way ’ of producing a sequence of changes that will result in an adult member of Homo sapiens , might it not recapitulate this sequence in the womb ?
22 If economics had dominated the opening months of the Hinkley C Inquiry , then ironically this was not what concerned most objectors to the proposal .
23 Even if Rainbow has entered the jaws of the enemy , the house rules regarding gender are crystal clear .
24 If soiling has occurred the child should be informed immediately , the parents indicate their displeasure at this , and the child should have his or her pants changed .
25 If Shaft had wanted the cut , he 'd have damn well gone in and blasted ‘ til someone handed it over to him .
26 There 's no going back from Grey 's capture — not until time has dulled the sting , at least , and made it possible to mention peace without being called a traitor by some city haberdasher in the commons .
27 Because Mum has chosen the path of The World .
28 Oliver said he guessed it was partly because Cobalt had led the sort of life where being thumped over the head with a bottle was not a unique experience .
29 Wait a minute , just wait till daddy 's got the money .
30 HyperCard has been a huge success , both because it combines power and ease-of-use so well and because Apple have given the software away bundled with every Macintosh sold since 1987 .
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