Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was interesting seeing publishing from the top . ’
2 So often her only resource is tears , and those tears will more likely arouse panic rather than understanding from the man with whom she is trying to communicate .
3 This Review was subject to a number of appeals for re-assessment , but the final recommendations , as described in the Times Higher Education Supplement ( Anon 1988 ) were that : Aberdeen should not support research in the earth sciences , ( although lobbying from the petroleum industry and politicians ensured the continuation of its highly successful M Sc courses in petroleum geology ) ; the Geology Department at St Andrews should merge with Geography ; and that Glasgow should incorporate the departments at Dundee , Stirling and Strathclyde .
4 Others have had to rely on government funding to keep going , although funding from the Department of the Environment through the Urban Programme has been restricted and only seven centres have been funded on a continuing basis by the Lord Chancellor 's Department , and ( fir the time being ) the Legal Aid Board .
5 Rather than starting from the position that these poets write out of a different social and economic experience than their polite contemporaries , Southey focuses on their lack of formal education .
6 Despite a conspicuous absence of the merest shred of evidence that Nizan had " betrayed " the PCF in any sense other than resigning from the party itself , it was objectively impossible for a communist in postwar France to view Nizan in terms other than those of betrayal and treachery .
7 When referrals have come from other professionals it is important to get back to the parents ' view rather than working from the information in the referral letter .
8 Given that the EC is committed to economic convergence it would be counterproductive if resulting from the operation of the budget , economic divergence was reinforced rather than reduced .
9 Refusal by the client to furnish a written representation that the firm believes is essential would normally be grounds for reappraising our relationship with the client and considering withdrawing from the engagement .
10 Ates suggests that Molla Yegan thus met Molla Gurani not in Egypt but perhaps in Aleppo while returning from the pilgrimage and that the story about their meeting in Cairo was concocted in order to make Molla Yegan 's more desirable .
11 Only four of the 77 passengers were slightly injured while escaping from the emergency exits but the aircraft was badly damaged .
12 Former taxi driver Paul Burrows , of Chandos Street , Darlington , discovered his talent for singing while convalescing from the life saving surgery last April .
13 Credit unions , while initiating from the wish of people to have greater control over their own affairs , do not come into existence spontaneously .
14 His capacity for doing several jobs , and simultaneously , seems to have been formed during this period ; he was essentially full-time executive of the London Zoo and its appurtenances while moving from the Ministry of Defence to the Cabinet Office as the most senior and confidential adviser in sight , whence the reference to Pooh Bah .
15 Unless you count the occasion in Turkey when he tried to go to bed with a prostitute while suffering from the pox .
16 The young measure just under one foot in length at birth , they are more aggressive than their parents and can rear up , spread the hood and strike while emerging from the egg if aroused or annoyed .
17 Kenneth Orbinson , an Ulster Television cameraman , gave evidence at the trial of those arrested on 5 October : he said that he had been sprayed while filming from the window of a flat in Duke Street ; but his film was not admitted as evidence .
18 But , while working from the premise that rugby league ‘ is incomparably superior to any other winter game ’ , this is no emotional treatise but an intelligent , dispassionate examination of the game in relation to its environment , to art and to other sports .
19 However , Johnny Holmes of Letterkenny landed a fine specimen sea trout of 9 lbs from Glen Lake while spinning from the shore and there is a fair number of salmon showing on the lake .
20 The succession to the Empire was soon re-established in the Habsburg line and the link with Hungary came again after the battle of Mohács in 1526 , when Ferdinand I of Austria succeeded the last Jagellonian King of Hungary and Bohemia , Ludovic , who was drowned while fleeing from the battlefield .
21 In this particular case , the interviewee had been admitted to hospital with hepatitis and pancreatitis and given a methadone reduction course whilst recovering from the operation :
22 If , whilst suffering from the reaction , she received a sudden shock …
23 Drinks were served in the bar adjoining the ‘ Country Manners ’ restaurant , and we leisurely sipped our aperitifs whilst choosing from the menu .
24 Between the 14th day of September 1987 and the 8th day of January 1988 conspired together and with other persons to defraud such persons who had or might have had an interest in dealing in shares in Blue Arrow , or National Westminster Bank , or in dealing on the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index , namely : 2.1 By dishonestly concealing holdings of 19.39 per cent of the share capital of Blue Arrow ; 2.2 By falsely stating that all remaining shares not taken up in the rights issue by existing shareholders had been sold in the market ; 2.3 By falsely representing that 33,315,528 shares in Blue Arrow held by County NatWest Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.4 By falsely representing that 34,069,433 shares in Blue Arrow held by Phillips & Drew Securities were held for the purposes of market making ; 2.5 By dealing off market with Union Bank of Switzerland in 28,201,743 shares in Blue Arrow when by reason of their connection with that company they were knowingly in possession of un-published price sensitive information ; 2.6 By creating a false instrument , namely a letter of indemnity dated 5 October 1987 from Nicholas Wells on behalf of County NatWest to Union Bank Of Switzerland ; 2.7 By engaging in a course of conduct which created a false or misleading impression as to the market in the shares of Blue Arrow for the purpose of creating such an impression and thereby influencing persons who might deal in those shares ; 2.8 By purchasing and retaining 2,150 Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 share index put option contracts to cover a risk of £51,500,000 whilst concealing from the market the true position in relation to the rights issue and the subsequent placing of shares in Blue Arrow , where Blue Arrow and National Westminster Bank were both component parts of that index .
25 An efficient but gentle administrator , with a particular sympathy and concern for the least important , he let people make their own decisions whilst watching from the background .
26 Above all , however , this chapter is intended to begin a debate about the methodological and theoretical influence upon research of ‘ sensitivity ’ , whether deriving from the sensitivity of the topic , its location , or both .
27 This would seem very close to the ‘ bow-wow ’ theory of linguistic evolution , one of the theories much discussed in Eliot 's youth , which saw language as deriving from the imitation of natural sounds .
28 The two largest parties in Britain , the Conservative and Labour parties , view Britain 's problems as stemming from the pursuit in the past of inadequate policies ( Chapter 6 ) .
29 Each room in the house is furnished to suit either the Tudor or the Queen Anne period , and the difference between these two styles is particularly striking when stepping from the stone flagged , Tudor Great Hall to the cosy , wooden panelled 18th century Parlour .
30 Oldham-based ML Electro-Optics Ltd has added three new backplane chassis to its range : the SX8000-4 can support four Ethernet local networks on the backplane , as well as cascading from the front ; the SX8000-2 also includes support for an additional four Token Ring local networks and up to 14 FDDI networks ; the SX8000-3 adds a 1.5Gbps bus on a 96-pin connector , with 32-bit or 64-bit parallel data transfer capability , the company says .
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