Example sentences of "[subord] [v-ing] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , if you expect to be in a high earning bracket , you might consider setting up a limited company , even if you are the only salaried employee , rather than launching the same business as a self-employed individual .
2 By the time the children have grown up , the marital relationship can be very empty , often extending little further than sharing the same house .
3 ‘ I think other things are more important than sharing the same profession .
4 This stage of training an owl is much more difficult than doing the same stage with a falcon , because with a falcon you just stick a hood over its head and let it get used to all the different noises .
5 They say giving someone a patch is far cheaper than treating the same person for heart disease or lung cancer .
6 Rather than giving the same recognition to differences among literacies which he proposes to be differences among languages , he uses what is in fact the ‘ autonomous ’ model of literacy as the basis for arguments about the specific nature of the English language .
7 There is also an upgrade to the SuperSparc ( Viking ) chip for the Sparcserver 600MP Series of multiprocessing servers , doubling the performance ceiling of these systems while maintaining the same range of price points .
8 It is here that the polymer scientist needs to manipulate the cross-link and backbone structure , while maintaining the same water content , to limit deformation under eyelid load to around 5 per cent , with good elastic recovery .
9 He itemised the steps by which East European Governments gained access to the free markets of West Europe , while denying the same freedom of access to West European manufacturers , and revealed how reciprocal trade deals negotiated with the multi-nationals resulted in unsuspecting third party EEC Governments being saddled with the import bill .
10 While keeping the same kind of security of tenure structure … it was made far weaker from the tenant 's point of view than under the 1977 Rent Act .
11 While tapping the same market , the chains approach the business customer in different ways .
12 BSL processing involves sequential and spatial codes , uses direct visual representation for its syntax while displaying the same complexity of meaning as English .
13 As your fitness improves you will find that your heart rate decreases while performing the same level of exercise .
14 We want to stay at the top level while doing the same things we did 40 years ago .
15 A certain amount of modification is desirable , which , while retaining the same amount of power and thrust , makes the movement fluid , not static .
16 Ten years later I discovered while watching the same film on TV that the shadow was n't part of the film after all : it was Um Al-Marhoom 's shadow [ Um Al-Marhoom is what we in the Middle East call the woman who is left without children after the death of her only son ] , trying to sell some boiled chickpeas to us children .
17 Sunday , while featuring the same diesel locos as the previous day , also boasted steam traction in the form of ex G.W.R. heavy freight No.2857 .
18 Unfortunately he pays little attention to the differences and the effect these have upon the implications of what we ascribe to animals whilst using the same forms of words .
19 Ironically , two great predecessors , Mallory and Irvine , died whilst attempting the same route in 1924 .
20 The correspondence problem is to identify specific portions of the changing image as representing the same object at different times .
21 However , there is also in English a more substantial effect on linguistic form for all the separatives ; they are ungrammatical in predicative position , even when qualifying the same nouns that they can accompany fully acceptably in attributive position : ( 47 ) the king is/will be future fortunately , Dostoievsky 's execution was mock Likewise , in the attributive phrases in ( 48 ) , possible and occasional are separative , qualifying the relationship between the entity of the noun phrase and the descriptions RIVAL and SAILORS respectively , rather than directly qualifying the entity itself : ( 48 ) a possible rival now came on the scene Wilkes and Andersen are occasional sailors ( the last pair of words has much the same meaning as the phrase week-end sailors ) .
22 Someone from industry might be seen by employers as speaking the same language as they do themselves .
23 Ian Taylor speculates that tree clumps may act as a respiratory system , drawing up earth energies and releasing them through the clump 's composite aura , as well as performing the same function with subtle celestial stimuli .
24 Although individual client executives tend to favour dealing with known consultants , if those consultants leave their firms , they are not necessarily then seen in the same light , or as having the same resources at their disposal .
25 So , for instance , a variation in ministerial statements on the legislative intention behind a provision in a Government Bill might be sufficient to characterize the statements as unclear , but a similar variation in the statements in the Commons and the Lords by the promoters of a private Members Bill might not be treated as having the same significance .
26 The same object may reflect different wavelengths at different times yet be seen as having the same colour .
27 Aurobindo sees all things as having the same principal of life at different levels , but in all of them is the potentiality and inevitability to reach higher and higher levels .
28 Her slovenliness was a state of mind , the exteriorisation of her despair , and he saw all her faults as having the same root : bad company , bad education , bad conditions .
29 The draftsman must , therefore , express himself consistently throughout the lease , for a word used in one part of the lease will probably be construed as having the same meaning if used in another part of the same document .
30 In the matter of contract , drunkenness is regarded as having the same effect as insanity .
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