Example sentences of "[subord] [det] [pron] could [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Gillroy and Davies hit the roof several times before managing to strap themselves down in the cabin , where all they could do was sit ashen-faced and pray .
2 As I saw it , they were either downmarket Wimpy bars or precious bistros where all you could hear were the sounds of the cutlery hitting the plate , and people would cough before speaking because they had n't said anything for such a long time , what with all the hush .
3 They criticized a social order based on private property and commerce , where those who could afford to buy showed so little taste and discrimination .
4 Leather goods , desk accessories , smoking accessories , tableware , the little playthings of the conspicuously affluent — Edouard knew that these , adorned with the de Chavigny name and crest , could be marketed for high prices and to a much wider market than that which could afford the most superlative jewellery in the world .
5 ‘ Safer in his arms than some I could mention , ’ Deirdre joked back .
6 ‘ A lot nicer than some I could name . ’
7 And the idea is that as we 've done with previous erm , discussions , if each one could come along armed with some information to do with healthy eating , erm , there 's a list on page a hundred and seventeen , that might start you off thinking .
8 Her touch became lighter until all I could feel was the heat radiating from her palms .
9 If all you could see were your nose , or the side of your face , nature 's design system would clearly have slipped up somewhere .
10 KATE was left sitting alone once more as Ace stormed off , but she hardly noticed he 'd gone because all she could think about was how the fuel blend had let them down .
11 for the hour because all she could think of was this
12 Lardner 's volumes were not quite an encyclopedia , since each one could stand on its own : volumes came out at intervals , and buyers do not seem to have been made to subscribe to the whole set .
13 Misty cloud hung suspended not far above our heads while all we could hear was the trickle of water .
14 Writing to Ellen , never her most sympathetic correspondent , was dreary work since all she could think of were frantic pleas to tell her of Oreste and she grew tired of begging long before she reached the end of the first sheet .
15 But — ’ she said , her voice suddenly bitter , ‘ I 'm not in a position to talk , since all I could do was run — eh ?
16 Whether this one could get back on the screen , I do n't know .
17 Whether this one could get back on the screen , I do n't know .
18 Luke might be quirky , but his eating habits are not as bizarre as some I could mention .
19 Sometimes they were so drunk they fell asleep where they were and lay without pillows or covers until I returned from work , and then I would rage at them in Arabic , telling them that thanks to them my room was no better than the Italian 's pigsty at home ; we used to spit on the ground whenever we went near it , children and grownups alike , shouting exclamations of disgust , even though all we could see of it was the outer fence .
20 I felt the pathos of this remark , as all he could do on the banjo was strum ‘ plunk plunk plunk ’ over and over again .
21 ‘ We should have looked first ! ’ he declared abjectly when all they could see of the scene below and beyond was of rooftops and forest shrouded in mist and rain .
22 They talked about the difficulty of getting food in , when all they could find was Chinese takeaway ; about strange knocks at the door of the hotel room , and why the Iranians sometimes left unexpectedly , and who the hell they were really dealing with ; about North 's pressing need for aspirin ; and about getting the hostages out , for which the only foreseeable currency was arms .
23 When all I could reply were the two forlorn words , ‘ No English , ’ he asked me if I knew French .
24 To Peggy Say , Anderson 's sister , it seemed that some particularly keen sympathy compelled North never to turn down her requests to see him , when all she would do was sit at his desk upbraiding him and complaining and crying ; and when all he could do was repeat , cryptically , infuriatingly , that the government was doing everything it could possibly think of .
25 The simple act of losing herself in a live stage performance seemed impossible , when all she could think of was the sheer heaven of spending time alone with Guy again .
26 SOUTH AFRICA 'S return to Test cricket after 22 years was marked by a match as tense and as fluctuating as any they could have played in their former life .
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