Example sentences of "[subord] [vb pp] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To his credit , Tony scored a hat-trick for the reserves on the same night that the first eleven where jeered off the pitch .
2 The Supreme Court enjoys an effective if indirect and delayed veto over legislation and executive actions , and its decisions where based on the Constitution may only be overridden by constitutional amendment ( involving the approval of two-thirds majorities of both the House and the Senate and of three-quarters of the states ) .
3 Multiple regression analysis showed no increase in the correlation when the villous height/crypt depth ratio and intraepithelial lymphocyte count together where compared with the cellobiose/ mannitol % ( multiple r=0.50 ) .
4 And they worry that they will be asked to make a contribution if the WIPers use up the DM600 million now allocated to the programme .
5 The blue grey mud banks glittered where wet from the tide , but lay dry and cracked like acres of crazy paving above the high water mark .
6 If all of the remaining ( n - 1 ) markets respond in a manner similar to the one outlined above , aggregation across labour markets will yield a determinate relationship between the overall rate of change of money wages , , and an index of aggregate excess demand for labour , X L , where defined as the ratio .
7 These include , the significance of the inaccuracy ; whether reasonable steps where taken by the data user to check the accuracy of information held and what procedures were followed by the data user once the inaccuracy was brought to light ( DPR Guideline 4 ) .
8 In fact the definition will also include persons entitled to intermediate leasehold interests where created by the landlord between the date of the agreement and the grant of the lease .
9 Meetings are to be held otherwise when and where determined by the trustee ( r 6.153(1) ) .
10 Often , these strategies were invented by the pupils rather than taught by the teacher .
11 These conflicts , he contended , although highlighted in the differences between the Western Marxism of Lukács and the orthodoxy of Marxist-Leninism , could be traced back to the work of Marx himself .
12 Although limited by the Parliament Acts and the convention of non-involvement in financial matters , the House of Lords is the only such check .
13 Annual railway construction more than trebled between the end of the 1880s and the boom years of the late 1890s .
14 Thus , in spite of substantial emigration , the population of Lewis more than trebled during the course of the 19th century .
15 That more than trebled under the Tories to £285 a week , or £14,800 per annum .
16 You will know how many rows there should be to the inch ( centimetre ) , all you need to do is to work a number of rows less than given in the instructions before finishing the sleeve .
17 Although justified on the basis that the social services departments , and by implication the staff , were responsible for users ' safety during opening hours , this policy represented an explicit denial of users ' freedom .
18 She 's all grey , rather than freckled at the moment , but this chick is still something very special to staff at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust .
19 The philosophy of the Warnock Report ( Department of Education and Science , 1978 ) greatly influenced the content of the 1981 Education Act , particularly with its recommendation that varying and individual educational needs should be acknowledged , rather than prejudged on the basis of categories .
20 A disused pipe organ case is sometimes employed as a screen and certainly a more accurate impression of a pipe organ is gained if the speakers are positioned in one place , rather than dispersed around the building .
21 Although educated at the universities of Granada and Madrid , he distrusted purely intellectual emphases , and poured scorn on the idea of the Muses — albeit the most lovable and influential of creatures !
22 Tangy and crisp with a fruity flavour we quite liked this one , although we were less than impressed with the look of the bottle .
23 ( c ) Position conflicts : the position you take in one piece of litigation may be at odds with the position you want to take in a subsequent action ( for example , in advancing the cause of a plaintiff you may adopt a position that puts you in difficulty with some defence clients who are less than impressed with the vigour with which you espouse the plaintiff 's cause ) .
24 MY party of visitors to the new Museum of Liverpool Life were less than impressed with the Brookside exhibit .
25 Gregory himself did not doubt the efficacy of the saint , but clearly Leudast and his supporters were less than impressed by the bishop 's special relationship with his supernatural patron .
26 Old age becomes something to be dreaded and endured rather than enjoyed by the individual .
27 Lothian Region Transport is a bus company which , although owned by the Council , acts independently as though it were a privately owned firm , it has no powers or funding to subsidise bus services .
28 oh dear , they 're , they 're better than caught in the act are n't they ? they 're quite
29 These can often be made cheaper per head by squeezing one person more than recommended into the household .
30 If closely neighbouring points on an attractor give trajectories that , although confined to the attractor , rapidly separate , then motion on the attractor shows a sensitivity to initial conditions .
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