Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The effects of the net changes in social class have been modelled explicitly for the university sector in a number of forecasts ( Diamond and Smith , 1982 , 1984 ; Diamond , 1985 ; AUT , 1983 ; Collins , 1983 ) as well as implicitly by the DES ( 1984a , b , 1986b ) .4 These effects have been the most important single factor for which data have been available at a national level albeit only for the university sector .
2 Only a fraction of those who know the Oberland are acquainted with the Bernest Mitteland — except perhaps for the capital city , Bern itself , which lies near the centre of it .
3 But Elizabeth Gould 's self-concept hardly refers to her domestic situation at all — except perhaps for the statement ‘ I am hard working ’ .
4 Expansion and contraction of awareness may be interdependent , so that ‘ Be aware ’ would not , for example , pronounce waking good but sleeping bad ; when exhaustion is blurring awareness one can go so far as to say ‘ You ought to go to sleep ’ , although only for the sake of waking with refreshed awareness tomorrow .
5 Nuno 's ability is a matter of opinion , but the point about the Trantec ads is a matter of fact , although not for the reason your correspondent quotes .
6 Since it is the larger companies that are included in stock indices ( and the smaller the company the lower its weight ) , the omission of a value for the voting rights is probably not important , except possibly for the Value Line Arithmetic index , which is an equally weighted index covering some 1700 companies .
7 Equally you will not need an application form , except possibly for the record , if you are seeing a single applicant who has applied for the job ‘ on spec . ’
8 may have been enrolled more than once for the module
9 Then there were ads , more than ever for the sake of the season .
10 11.1.2 either party suffers distress or execution , commits an act of bankruptcy , goes or is put into liquidation ( otherwise than solely for the purpose of solvent amalgamation or reconstruction ) , or seeks any form of protection against its creditors from any competent Court or tribunal ,
11 Yet though irregular both in incidence and attendance , assemblies provided a golden opportunity for the dissemination of royal propaganda , to insist on the notion of ‘ public ’ war ( see p. 288 ) , and to depict royal campaigns as undertaken ‘ for the defence of the realm , ’ rather than simply for the king 's self-interest .
12 But there 's no real rule , although maybe for the group it has to be conducive to live performance because we are such a live performance band . ’
13 It may perhaps be objected that the distance may prevent the pupils of the Hospitals from attending the Lectures of the Veterinary Professor — I will first answer to that — that it would be dangerous for the progress of the Veterinary science to give them too free admission into the College — because it might give a disgust to the residing pupils from their application to the Veterinary Medicine and many of them would change their mind and apply themselves to the anatomy of the human body , thinking that it would be more honorable for them to cure the human species than Animals , this happened in France and the best Veterinary pupils are now Physicians and Surgeons to the human species — this prejudiced ideal would inculcate itself into the minds of young men , the more so as the Veterinary Science is still in its Infancy in this Country , and in an abject state , for this reason it would be equally dangerous to permit residing pupils to attend medical or anatomical lectures , of the human body , or to frequent Hospitals : Therefore a certain distance from the Town would be more useful than otherwise for the progress of the Veterinary Science .
14 However , I suppose I 'll now have to explain this soft/hard vacuum principal more technically , if only for the benefit of Mr.Peavey .
15 If one accepts this , even if only for the present and not as an inevitable fact for the future , then a responsibility lies with hearing society to meet not only the communication requirements of deaf people but also to understand and be able to work with this group in their language .
16 Thanks to McAlpine Helicopters , the Aerospatiale helicopter distributor for the UK , I was given the chance to join the PPL rotor wing elite … if only for the day .
17 She congratulated herself on the enterprise and initiative which had allowed her to cheat Rose Cottage , to outwit ‘ Time ’ , if only for the day .
18 It was well worth going to if only for the scene of the spring cleaning of the dwarfs ’ house .
19 The first idea is of a metaphorical and anthropomorphic kind , and the second and third also call out for analysis , if only for the reason that there are other non-causal pairs of things such that the first explains the second and the second depends on the first .
20 With the advent of Lloyd George , who as President of the Board proved to be no mean performer at the art of conciliation , the policy of promoting " permanent machinery " , industry by industry , for the settlement of disputes began to move into top gear , if only for the reason that no alternative policy seemed to be available .
21 ‘ Margaret , ’ I coaxed , ‘ say yes , if only for the General 's sake .
22 If only for the veracity of the role , he mixed as much as possible with the cast and crew and with the local population .
23 The single , simple reason for the biography 's size is that , in the effort to come up with what , if only for the number of facts it contains , must rank as definitive , Ackroyd has scoured not just every imaginable source but also quite a few unimaginable ones as well .
24 The list of editors makes interesting reading if only for the number of composers it contains : Saint-Säens was eventually joined by Vincent d'Indy , Paul Dukas , Auguste Chapuis , Reynaldo Hahn , Alexandre Guilmant , Henri Busser , Georges Marty and ( surprisingly ? )
25 After that I went down to the kitchen and made a cheese sandwich for lunch and wished I 'd gone with Tremayne if only for the ride .
26 This was a short-lived club , but important if only for the fact that it drew up the first Breed Standard in 1901 .
27 It is not quite so important to duplicate the reel , but it is still wise , if only for the fact that your spare spools are interchangeable on both reels .
28 In its flight from the French security services once the war in Europe had broken out , the Party had , if only inadvertently , operationalized its interest in the peasantry ; if only for the fact that , in leaving the towns , they were now living amongst them .
29 In its own way the co-operative was quite a success story if only for the fact that it had kept going more or less continuously for almost five years .
30 Others unashamedly hugged each other as they realised the Government was off the hook , if only for the moment .
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