Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [v-ing] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although rarely hitting the headlines , the Council continued to work to achieve integration in restricted and less controversial fields .
2 In practice this appeared to mean a break with the French and , like many Americans engaged in day-to-day dealings in Vietnam , Blum 's frustration had reached the point where he would recommend withdrawing US assistance altogether rather than endlessly humouring the French .
3 The case was seen as a major defeat for the DEA particularly as , by acquitting the defendant rather than merely dismissing the charges , Rafeedie ensured that Alvarez could never again be tried by a US court for Camarena 's death .
4 ( This is obviously a better way of measuring recall than merely counting the number of words remembered , although it does have the disadvantage of being a less objective method since the actual wording used by a subject may be very different from that used in the passage . )
5 They differ fundamentally from traditional qualifications , because they give recognition for what people actually achieve at work , rather than merely testing the ability to learn .
6 However , an important data set did give clear indications that , although not increasing the likelihood of long-term unemployment , temporary working was linked to recurrent unemployment .
7 In November 1914 at the Annual General Meeting , it became clear the Club had to abort some costly schemes and , although not blaming the war , it must have been the cause .
8 Perhaps this is the reason for the bashfully truncated picture of the F/A-18 which , although admittedly showing the aircraft 's refined canopy shape successfully developed from the grasshopper 's eye concept , plays down the disappointing lack of progress in the other aspects mentioned .
9 With studying the film it was alot more interesting than just reading the book .
10 At some point , you will probably have to write out your own version of other people 's ideas in the form of paraphrase or summary embedded in your own work ; so it could be argued that you should do the rewriting from the outset , as you take your notes , in an effort to get at the ideas behind the words rather than just repeating the words themselves .
11 Listening alertly is trying to understand what people are saying rather than just hearing the sounds that someone makes .
12 But there is more to successful management than just picking the team or being a gifted coach , just ask Ray Harford or Mel Machin , respectively sacked by Luton and Manchester City because their public image was n't considered good enough .
13 Setting up a task involves more than just typing the job in a box and putting it onto your timescale .
14 Removing a Windows application involves more than just deleting the icon from the Program Manager .
15 Hypnosis , however , can go much further than just improving the patient 's self-image .
16 But cutting greenhouse emissions from transport will take more than just improving the efficiency of cars and trucks .
17 Fokine wanted to make dance rhythm visible by more than just marking the beats .
18 For some reason , best known to himself , rather than quickly tailing the fish , Father chose that moment to give Mother a lecture on the life-cycle of salmon , pointing out various aspects of salmon anatomy whilst doing so .
19 However , there is also in English a more substantial effect on linguistic form for all the separatives ; they are ungrammatical in predicative position , even when qualifying the same nouns that they can accompany fully acceptably in attributive position : ( 47 ) the king is/will be future fortunately , Dostoievsky 's execution was mock Likewise , in the attributive phrases in ( 48 ) , possible and occasional are separative , qualifying the relationship between the entity of the noun phrase and the descriptions RIVAL and SAILORS respectively , rather than directly qualifying the entity itself : ( 48 ) a possible rival now came on the scene Wilkes and Andersen are occasional sailors ( the last pair of words has much the same meaning as the phrase week-end sailors ) .
20 This is food of the highest quality and their feeding technique , although always involving the risk of physical injury , is the most efficient of all .
21 THE HARDLINE leadership in East Germany is today under greater pressure than ever following the weekend demonstrations in East Berlin — the biggest show of social unrest in the East German capital since the doomed workers ' uprising of June 1953 .
22 One stage more advanced than the pantograph , although still lacking the sophistication of a magnetic or acoustic digitiser , is the pressure sensitive digitiser .
23 One stage more advanced than the pantograph , although still lacking the sophistication of a magnetic or acoustic digitiser , is the pressure sensitive digitiser .
24 Chamorro favoured a measured approach to the piñata issue and an " integral solution " , which would promote national reconciliation rather than further alienating the Sandinistas , whose 39 delegates had boycotted the National Assembly " indefinitely " in June over the affair [ see ibid ] .
25 Although ostensibly criticizing the traditions of liberalism , the fascist writer , nevertheless , employs the discourse of these traditions when discussing ‘ prejudice ’ .
26 In Joan Halton 's attempt to be more whole , she needed to know more about her desire to come first , at least for part of the time , rather than always maintaining the veneer of premature maturity she had felt forced into adopting as a child .
27 Although strictly speaking the company is responsible for the cost of materials immediately the order is placed , the normal procedure is for costing to be delayed until the invoice has been checked and approved for payment .
28 That is , rather than automatically re-entering the tree after a word ending , the path could continue through the tree establishing a close correspondence between certain words , independently of syntactic and semantic processing .
29 Herr Nordern heaved on the steering-wheel and swung the Lada into the relative safety of a narrow street shadowed by the bulk of a church where he pulled up , although wisely keeping the engine running .
30 Scottish Amicable 's partnership with J. Rothschild Assurance goes much deeper than purely processing the business for the Company .
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