Example sentences of "[subord] [adv] [adv] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If an offending media organisation were to be obliged to publish the ombudsman 's findings , Lord Mackay said , there would be a fair degree of pressure for it to pay up , although not formally bound to do so .
2 In the first place , by the eighteenth century a hierarchy of diplomatic ranks more clear-cut than ever before had emerged , though this process was still incomplete .
3 Hence Dahl argues against Walker that ‘ he insists upon interpreting as if they were normative or deontological certain writings that were mainly if not wholly intended to set out descriptive empirical theories ’ .
4 It meant that Yorkshire , if not previously committed to open plan , had no choice than to adopt one .
5 By contrast , the presence of a relatively small number of unions — even if not entirely structured according to the principle of one per industry at least covering large sections of industry — appears to be associated with markedly fewer inter-union jurisdictional disputes .
6 Many of the suspicions which existed when the unit was set up , both about the political motivation for its creation and the likely effects of national monitoring on the curriculum , have been allayed ( if not entirely put to rest ) by the way in which the exercise has been carried out , by the sensitivities displayed by the monitoring teams , by the way in which groups of teachers up and down the country have been involved in the development , trialling and pre-testing of materials , and by the cool , impartial way in which the results have been presented .
7 If J. A. Hobson was justified in speaking of a ‘ crisis of Liberalism ’ in 1909 , it is equally if not more justified to think of the Edwardian period in terms of a ‘ crisis of Conservatism ’ .
8 Prijon plastic definitely ameliorates if not quite gets rid of this problem .
9 She had divorced her first husband because he showed signs of becoming like her father , and now , at her second attempt , the man she had married , while not apparently planning to emulate her parent , yet found him admirable .
10 If this is so , the legal model of the company as so far described needs to be rejected in favour of one which does not explain the rules of company law exclusively in terms of the rights of owners , but which instead regards members and employees as joint stakeholders , each with legitimate demands that the company be run for their benefit .
11 Journals which published it , and editors who included it , ceased to be fully respectable ; this message got through to Crookes , and he stopped his active propaganda , though apparently never ceasing to believe that some of the phenomena he had witnessed , often in distinguished and reliable company , were genuine .
12 Nothing changes/feelings shift , move endlessly in circles/moths beating at glass endlessly/all that energy expended on nothing/no-one lets you in/desire and what can be desired are all fixed within strict parameters/ established as everything you 're not/desire written against your body/encoded in all the spaces which are not you/contours which are not yours/you occupy the gap between desire and fulfilment/absence of choice/no choice at all/why are moths nocturnal when so strongly attracted to light ?
13 In the war , the Party had , in fact , to take on a number of new tasks , some of them important in the context of social welfare and organization , though not necessarily guaranteed to increase the popularity of the local functionaries .
14 Here the paraphrase would be " how he longed to see this sunlight once before he died ! " , but the fact remains that the person designated by he in this example is felt as not yet having attained the realization of " seeing the sunlight once more " , i.e. as being before this event in time .
15 In such a theory the state is seen as not merely helping to reproduce the capitalist system in contradictory ways , but as being itself shaped by the class struggle which results from those contradictions .
16 Never think that you have blown your exercise schedule so you may as well not bother going back to it .
17 No you ca n't ! , might as well not bother going then mighten I !
18 He might just as well not have bothered , for it was there still , it would be there for ever , unless one day they found how to cut memory out of the brain with a scalpel .
19 Ferdinando spent the night before departure with her but he might as well not have done .
20 The debate might as well not have taken place , so far as the further development of both sciences is concerned .
21 I might as well not have bothered , but then I was too young to know what to do anyway .
22 He might as well not have bothered .
23 Nearly half an inch fell this morning , but it may as well not have bothered .
24 I know , but yo might as well just stay put here .
25 You might as well never have existed . ’
26 He did n't as yet quite dare to imagine himself as a real artist .
27 She was drawn unquestionably to the appearance of things , though she was aware that she had as yet much ground to cover , and that she had followed many a false trail ; she remembered with particular regret the quantities of eyeshadow which she had once thought desirable , and the pendant earrings of the same epoch .
28 Around us in the middle distance , which is as near or far as anywhere else seems to get , lie other havens of plaster and flora .
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