Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] always [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although she always wanted to be a writer , the theatre has claimed a lot of her energy ( she has been nominated for an Emmy and a Tony award ) .
2 Although you always came to me brimming with news of where you had been and what you had done , I do not think you told me everything .
3 Although we always spoke of our ‘ free ’ power , the installation , the building of the turbine house and all the tunnelling had , in fact , cost quite a bit .
4 They were careful to keep the bull in the same field much of the time but sometimes they would have to move him and occasionally he would get out , so one always had to be wary .
5 By keeping it more or less behind them and to their left they could be sure of travelling north-west which was the direction they believed right but the inequalities of the ground often forced them out of their way and although they always returned to their line they had to guess what corrections to make to allow for obstacles .
6 Regrettably for the Palace , Alan found it difficult to adjust to 2nd and then 3rd Division football , where his undoubted skills were given short shrift by our opponents and , although he always gave of his best , he was equally always a heavily marked man .
7 It 's hard to tell , cos I always seemed to be awake , but then I remember waking up with a jump when this voice comes over the loud speaker .
8 I asked her if she always painted with such alacrity and her answer came as something of a relief , ‘ I like to enjoy painting , so ofttimes I paint much more slowly , it 's like eating , you do n't want to rush through a great meal ’ .
9 knew it was her birthday on Halloween cos it always stuck in my mind
10 Sometimes actually I think ‘ Oh I 'd like to go back to work ’ — to be in that hubbub — because I always worked in the West End and there was something about the atmosphere — being dressed all day …
11 And these because you always wanted to be able to adapt rooms for different purposes and this folded back against the wall .
12 This worried me , because there always seemed to be a few mosquitoes flying around house .
13 I knew it by the way their eyes glowed green and yellow in the dark and because they always hopped in my direction in spite of how much I hated them .
14 Watching him secretly from under her lashes , she revelled in his evident pleasure , and could n't help wondering whether he was driving so smoothly because he did n't want to wake her … or because he always drove like a man making love .
15 Kim , I ask you , because he always wanted to be a spy !
16 The other curse was directed at the committee members of the local Working Men 's Club when they banned my father , on the pretext of his epilepsy , but really because he always won at cards and was n't keen to give people a chance to win their money back .
17 To begin with the little-uns looked on Piggy as their parental figure because he always acted like an adult in their eyes and tried to make them laugh .
18 A man who owned a needle made of octiron would never lose his way , since it always pointed to the Hub of the discworld , being acutely sensitive to the disc 's magical field , it would also miraculously dam his socks .
19 When I asked why , he said he had seen through her , though she always seemed like a nice girl to me .
20 Right now he was groping Joanna who had taken her top off , as she always did on these occasions .
21 She put her points over to the juniors as well as she always did to everyone else , with a wonderful mix of candour , directness , understanding and humour — and always with a twinkle in the eye .
22 Their mother seemed to rally as she always did for her children but no matter how she tried to conceal it , it was clear to all of them that she was near the end of her strength .
23 Arabella drove through the archway , revving the engine far too high , as she always did in the lower gears .
24 Over the years royal staff and her friends have been puzzled by Diana 's appetite , particularly as she always appeared to be so slim .
25 I remember Christmas Eve 1930 , when we went as we always did on that day to the High Street to look at the lighted shops , seeing a little girl in a tattered dress and with bare feet , her nose pressed at the toy-shop window .
26 I ca n't ever recall even meeting a priest when I was at United , though there always seemed to be plenty of them around .
27 As Fidelma got Agatha into bed , they looked at each other with honesty as they always did in the end .
28 The words of the Spell picked just that moment to surface from the depths of his mind , as they always did in time of crisis .
29 He drove as he always drove in those days , well , but far too fast .
30 Hazel himself paused in the mouth of the hole , as he always had behind the bramble curtain at home , and looked out across the valley .
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