Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] is [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Ivy better : Coronation Street actress Lynne Perrie , who plays Ivy Brennan , was said to be ‘ slightly improved ’ today in hospital where she is undergoing tests following her collapse on the set of the series three days ago .
2 There is a print by Thomas Fawcett dated 1817 , showing the Stocking Market and the Square , where it is said bulls were baited .
3 Standard Chartered in London , understood to have around £300million on loan to Mr Bond , declined to comment , although it is understood executives are confident of the asset backing for most of the exposure .
4 It appears to be easier to categorize users than it is to assign levels to books .
5 It 's less usual to enjambe stanzas than it is to enjambe lines and it creates this continuous flow .
6 So it 's , if you 're overtime is at the grade C level , or the workload is at the grade C level , then you 're bet it 's cheaper to get overtime done than it is to get temps .
7 Now British Coal is getting rid of miners and private enterprise has too much manpower , so it is lowering wages .
8 If someone is finding words burdensome he may need an introduction to the prayer of quiet or the Jesus Prayer .
9 It might seem obvious that , if one is studying word-meanings , one ought to find native speakers ' intuitions concerning the meanings of words the most informative .
10 It is impossible to have a proper exchange of views of the kind which is essential for the true functioning of a parliamentary democracy if everybody is wearing headphones .
11 Trow ( 1974 , p. 6.3 ) has distinguished between elite and mass systems of higher education and argues that ‘ Countries that develop a system of elite higher education in modern times seem able to expand it without changing its character in fundamental ways until it is providing places for about 15% of the age grade . ’
12 Accordingly , a bidder which is a newly-incorporated or re-registered public company to be used as a vehicle for the takeover should be careful not to contravene s104 if it is to acquire shares in the target from its own subscribers or members ( eg in a management buy-out ) .
13 A silkworm — actually the caterpillar of the silk moth — will spin the cocoon that can yield an astonishing 800 metres of pure silk only if it is fed leaves from the white mulberry tree .
14 If , for example , a firm with its headquarters in London is running manufacturing plants in the UK , Third World countries and elsewhere , if it is using parts and even designs originating abroad , if its shares are owned by people and institutions of all nationalities and are bought and sold on the New York Stock Exchange as much as in London , why should its output and its profits be counted as part of the United Kingdom economy ?
15 This bacterium has a battery of three genes ( G 1 , G 2 , G 3 in the figure ) , which code for proteins ( P 1 , P 2 , P 3 ) needed by the cell if it is to use galactosides ( energy-rich compounds which may or may not be present in the surroundings ) .
16 This will require leadership and generous resourcing if it is to produce results .
17 It should be noted however , that LIFESPAN RDBI will NOT terminate if it is applying indexes when the specified transfer time elapses .
18 This is increased if the picture is systematic , that is , if it is to show members of close species .
19 He also needs to cap the new price so that it is prevented from rising further over the remaining four years of construction if he is to convince bankers that they should continue to support Eurotunnel .
20 It is , then , because he is explaining differences and resemblances as he is that Darwin , in 1838 , needs a theory of purely opportunistic adaptive change in changing conditions , a theory making no developmentalist assumption as to a preferred direction that life will take provided it can go on at all .
21 The growing indebtedness of the USA is regarded as unacceptable because it is draining savings away from other , less prosperous economies .
22 While nobody is recommending investors to indulge in wholesale selling of shares and unit trusts , equally nobody is suggesting a massive buying spree either .
23 However , it must be stressed that it is a question of fact in each individual transaction , and the question one has to ask objectively in every single situation is whether the purchaser is merely selecting specific assets for the use in his own business or whether he is buying assets in order that he can carry on the business in succession to and in place of the vendor .
24 you have all heard rumours about who is using clenbuteriol and when someone is caught farmers will say : ‘ It 's about time the Department caught up with him ’ .
25 She 's doing , spending as much time doing tea and she sees , as she is phoning prospects .
26 Did they complain about the Fujitsu factory , which takes some beating when one is considering eyesores ?
27 When one is asking questions , however , one must never forget that the answers come from the respondents , so one must always be thinking about those respondents .
28 Caution may need to be exercised when one is making statements about the relationship in the gap .
29 The condition can also follow heavy applications of lime and is one of the risks that have to be taken when a heavy liming is needed to neutralize severe acidity quickly when it is causing problems like canker for example .
30 There are actually quite a few positive steps forward : for a start , and under intense pressure from environmentalists and scientists , the World Bank has begun to take into account conservation when it is approving projects for funding .
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