Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] were [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 1 State exactly where you were at the time ( if in a motor vehicle please give number ) .
2 Agitation by Serbs in Croatia came to a head with the unilateral proclamation on Oct. 1 by the so-called Serbian National Council of an " autonomous region " comprising those districts where they were in the majority .
3 If anything , you 're more intriguing as a woman than you were as a girl .
4 Remember , if you get a mild reaction , you will need to proceed with caution until you can tell whether that food or food group is causing you to feel less well or less able to lose weight than you were at the end of Stage I.
5 Except Tim 's a bit older than you were at the time .
6 So you were in the sick bay , and naturally Hilary came to see you .
7 True , there were few creature comforts behind the wheel and few concessions from the car itself once you were on the move .
8 We had to extend the length , as it was far too short , and it had meant rolling the car forward every time once you were in the pit — not ideal or safe , as it left no escape route .
9 Once you were in the chair the tooth was as good as out , because Luigi had no intention of missing a chance to exercise his skill .
10 Probably supported you for a bit once you were in the water . ’
11 All spring records except one were for the Downs , but all autumn records for the coast .
12 But we also need the broad generalizations that help show whether we are closer to meeting the basic needs of all the world 's people than we were at the start of the 1970s .
13 ‘ It is all a bit overwhelming and we are more frightened now than we were at the start because we know so much more about her condition .
14 ‘ We consider training to be crucial and we are spending more on it now than we were during the last recession , ’ he said .
15 At least we are much nearer than we were in the era your rose-coloured glasses have alighted upon .
16 Certainly , one theory as to why crime appears to be going up is that as a society we are more intolerant of certain types of violence than we were in the past .
17 In consequence we must grow harder , more ruthless than we were in the days of ease .
18 My mother 's home was an ordinary set up and every holiday we spent half our holiday with our mother so we were in an environment of relative normality for much of our time . ’
19 Once we were on the fairly flat back of the hill , I clambered back into the cart and we were away past the farms , Y Llechwen , Y Garth Fawr , Y Garth Fach through winding lanes bordered by low stone walls .
20 Once we were past the village on the road up to the major , Sir Edmund , recalling my story about the ambush , ordered the soldiers to fan out before us .
21 Once we were inside the car , Quiggers allowed himself a full-blooded sneer .
22 Once we were in the main concourse , I put down my suitcase and turned to say goodbye .
23 ‘ Butler , ’ he said , once we were in the hall , ‘ I wonder if I could have my feet changed .
24 Once we were in the raft with all our life jackets and equipment we had to learn to control the raft and respond to commands , then we were ready to hit the rapids .
25 There are now approximately 2 million more weavers operating in Persia than there were during the time of the late Shah , and , even if this trend is reversed , existing stocks are large enough to keep the Western markets more than adequately supplied for a decade or so .
26 There are 100 million more free prescriptions this year than there were at the time of the last Labour Government .
27 This shows that in well over eighty percent there were fewer tumours at the three month cystoscopy than there were before the B G C was instilled .
28 In proportion to population there were now more NSDAP members in Danzig than there were in the Reich .
29 There were probably more books here — real books — than there were in the rest of Chung Kuo .
30 For example , there are today many fewer tuberculosis cases and far more mentally handicapped persons using the services than there were in the 1950s and this means new demands are placed on the staff that they are not always able to meet .
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