Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb mod] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And I knew just where you 'd be and how you 'd be lying . ’
2 And oh , the frustration that can build up in our lives as Christians because we are not where we should be or doing what God purposes for us !
3 Wycliffe brooded ; he felt restless and frustrated , unable to make up his mind where he should be or what he should be doing .
4 Maybe I 'm being a bit more tolerant towards him than I would be if I had n't met him .
5 So I might be showing myself doing worst than I should be but , look , my actual come out about the same and so when I compare my actual with my planned , I get er , an answer which should approach one .
6 And your Annie , if all tales are true , she 's got a relative that 's no better than she should be an' livin' nicely on it .
7 In what way will children be better off for having been to school than they would be if they had stayed at home ?
8 There may be economies in using higher educational facilities as locations for events and academics as consultants ; and some of these resources may be cheaper than they would be if the company had to provide them as a call on the payload .
9 It can of course be no more than speculation to consider whether this total concern with instalment size makes people less likely to keep up conscientiously with the payments than they would be if they had a clear idea of their total commitment .
10 Credit costs are lower than they would be if they had to provide for more bad or difficult debts .
11 In the absence of keen pricing from the Japanese , the competitive element in the UK market is reduced and therefore car prices are generally higher than they would be if market forces were allowed to operate freely .
12 The failure to equalise men and women 's earnings leaves households headed by women poorer than they would be if the breadwinner were a man : In Sheffield I met an assistant in a hospital clinic .
13 The auto gearbox refuses to take the revcounter needle anywhere near the red line ( and that 's set only at 4500rpm ) , which means the chances of kicking down into a lower gear are limited , making A-road overtaking manoeuvres more ponderous than they should be and knocking a substantial hole in the cruising speed when you meet a hill .
14 Although it may be that the libraries without extensive programmes are precisely the libraries who could benefit most from more vigorous analysis of training needs .
15 No logical contradiction is involved in the assertion , ‘ The brick fell upwards when released ’ , although it may be that no such statement is ever supported by observation .
16 Not all summons forms can be used as addresses ( e.g. hey you in ( 47 ) can not occur in the slot occupied by Madam in ( 48 ) ) , although it may be that all addresses can be used as summonses ( Zwicky , 1974 : 791 ) .
17 It is important to try to give the tenant the opportunity of objecting to unreasonable requirements and recommendations , hence the suggested amendment , although it may be that the landlord will make the reasonably valid statement that the actual requirements of the insurers must be complied with as otherwise the landlord will be forever switching insurance companies .
18 A transfer of value is a disposition made by a person ( called the transferor ) as a result of which the value of his estate immediately after the disposition is less than it would be but for the disposition .
19 Does ‘ business as usual ’ make the trade-off between guns and butter easier than it would be if embargoes were more comprehensive and controls more strict ?
20 Such uncertainty can be reduced by strict contractual agreements , but the danger , for example , of late deliveries interrupting the flow of production is still greater than it would be if the firm expanded in-house production .
21 It is rather like feeling that the dark companion of Sirius is somehow less certainly known because we infer its presence from its gravitational effect upon the Dog Star than it would be if we could actually see it — as if gravity were somehow less real than light .
22 If punishment is inflicted , it is claimed , the incidence of crime will be less than it would be if no penalty were imposed .
23 If you were to measure the diameter of the Shuttle 's orbit it would be longer than it would be if the Earth were n't there . ’
24 Erm , you see they were dyed on the wrong side you know they were of course it was easier to penetrate than it would be if they dyed them on the right side you see , it was technically i far far superior .
25 The price of such goods is less than it would be if producers had to take account of the external costs associated with the production of the good .
26 The rate of increase of river flow will be greater in the urbanized basin than it would be if the basin were still covered by natural vegetation .
27 Indeed , so visible are the taxes required to pay for services that some taxpayers may never use , that the total of public spending in a democracy is less than it would be if the real needs of society were to be met .
28 And if you look at the professions where women predominate , for example primary teaching and to some measure secondary teaching as well , and in nursing , erm we know that they 're underpaid professions , and I think that if you look at most of the work where women are predominant you 'll find that the pay is less than it would be if men were doing it erm
29 … in-service training is often much less effective than it could be because it is based on an ‘ educational model ’ i.e. is focussed largely on the individual .
30 The price at which timber for building is bought has been higher than it need be and the amount much smaller for two reasons : Government buying and Government decisions .
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