Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [vb past] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And my magic wrought true — for it was into your time I came , to Starr Hills , where I had walked four hundred years before ; and coming to meet me was a man who asked me simply if I were a mermaid , for he had seen me walking out of the sea . ’
2 He did n't tip me , but placed the ferrule carefully inside the wallet , and then politely asked me who I was , and fulsomely , where I had learnt such excellent French .
3 On the other hand , a new training school has been set up where I did find excellent service , friendly and helpful instructors and a range of aircraft rates which are almost unbelievable .
4 Her will declares that more than £219,000 should go to Cornell College , Mount Vernon , Iowa , in the U.S. , where she had studied English literature .
5 Her back knitted , but doubled over , for after the first weeks when she was laid on the ground from fear of hurting her raw flesh , she had preferred to lie in a hammock , where she had lain curved for weeks on end .
6 She had not told him exactly where she had got all the money that had been spent so freely around this house , but of course he guessed .
7 Luckily , Andy cottoned on to what I was trying to say and took the cradle to the top of the building , where we had to jump six feet on to the roof .
8 He had , in fact , just left me on a bench in a nearby park where we had spent some time together before he decided to go for a stroll .
9 Just after eleven , more people began to arrive as the pubs chucked out and so Dosh and I ( or maybe it was Freddie ) moved upstairs where we 'd found another front room which had been stripped of furniture and somebody had run a pair of extra speakers off the disco in the lounge .
10 The idea that one could go right round the universe and end up where one started makes good science fiction , but it does n't have much practical significance , because it can be shown that the universe would recollapse to zero size before one could get round .
11 At St Martin 's School of Art , where they 'd met three years previously , they had already decided to make themselves the subject of their art .
12 Never one to wallow in self-pity , he 'd started by mugging a couple of Indian kids in bright shirts behind the bus station and then he 'd followed a Yuppie type from his bank 's Cashcard machine to the stairway of a multi-storey car park , where they 'd had some dealings involving a Rolex and all the wad in the Yuppie 's wallet .
13 Some directors of the House of Industry had trespassed on workhouse premises , where they had lopped some trees without permission .
14 They were already in some difficulty in northern Tonkin , where they had abandoned some of their isolated posts , so that , once again , it was the presence of China — shadow , perhaps , rather than substance — which was helping to transform the appreciations and perception of the struggle .
15 Turkey has an excuse for its ignorance : the objects , it says , were looted from tombs where they had lain undisturbed for 2,500 years .
16 His wife had been an islander by birth and after she died he decided to live there where they had spent many happy holidays .
17 A month ago they , together with the males , left the burrows on the floor of the forest inland where they had spent most of the year and began a long march to the coast .
18 He 'd survived where they had eliminated some of his followers because they took him at his own estimation , a man of the cloth .
19 Early on an August Saturday morning they set off at a great pace on the west side of the reservoir with the intention of following the ten mile bridleway right round the reservoir to a pub , where they planned to arrive two hours after opening time .
20 A little later on she dropped Edna and Karen in Oxford Street , where they planned to do some shopping before catching the train home .
21 Where they tended to go wrong was at the micro rather than at the macro level : a mishandling of the relationship between parts rather than the parts themselves .
22 When this firm closed down in 1843 he transferred to the locomotive drawing office of the Railway Foundry works , Leeds , of Messrs Shepherd & Todd , where he became acting chief draughtsman .
23 In 1918 he became professor of ecclesiastical history at King 's , where he wished to integrate historical studies with the collections at Lambeth , and in 1931 professor of ecclesiastical history in London University .
24 Not quite so confidently as in Stratford ; or in Oxford , of course , where he had memorised whole sentences from the Jan Morris guide .
25 Murray , he alleged , then had gone to the bothy next door where he had injected three men with heroin .
26 The youngster had been taken to hospital , where he had spent two days after an operation .
27 Some , like Bina Gardens , where he had spent pleasant evenings with Frank Morley and Geoffrey Faber in the 1930s at John Hayward 's flat , resulted in the Noctes Binanianae , a little private anthology which I came upon later in the Houghton Library at Harvard .
28 Like Graham and Sabrina he too had been left a holdall , containing a Geiger-Muller counter and his favourite handgun , a Browning Mk2 , in a locker at the main railway station where he had spent three hours studiously checking the invoices for all the freight loaded at the goods yard over the past ten days .
29 The secret policeman was back in uniform , a plain copper on the beat , back where he had started fifteen years before .
30 He had had a successful academic career at Cambridge University , where he had taken successive degrees leading up to his PhD .
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