Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [prep] [art] [num] " in BNC.

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1 This Hall was unusual in being modelled on an Oxbridge college ; we had formal dinner 4 nights a week , where everyone including the 120 students had to wear gowns .
2 BBC has been testing EON on its local radio traffic experiment in south-east England and the Midlands for about two years , and several other European countries are already , or soon will be , implementing EON , although none of the 50 or so existing RDS models is suitable for this function .
3 Clive Barnes — later to become one of the ‘ Butchers of Broadway ’ , as critic for the New York Times wrote : ‘ Although One Over The Eight is described as a ‘ new revue ’ do not for a moment be fooled .
4 How would you have felt if someone with a hundred times your experience had tried to buy into one of your early ventures ? ’
5 We 're very obsessed with things called viewing figures in television and I worked out quite simply that if everybody among the eleven million people who are supposed to view Keeping Up Appearances every Sunday , popped a penny into a money box for Save The Children Fund one Sunday night , that would raise a hundred and ten thousand pounds within an hour , now why do n't we get going and encourage people to do that .
6 I doubt if anyone in the four divisions is entertaining as much as we are at the moment .
7 The club have received complaints because NONE of the 8,000 fans depicted are black or female .
8 The line labelled unc horizontal because none of the three variables of which it consists depends on national income .
9 Mr McMurray said he did not believe the findings related to Northern Ireland , because none of the three firms had significant links with the province .
10 Mr McMurray said he did not believe the findings related to Northern Ireland , because none of the three firms had significant links with the province .
11 While one in every five aircraft is on an operating lease today , this is likely to rise to one in every two over the next decade .
12 Things went a bit flat among the cakes for some … but that 's as nothing to the one recurrent nightmare for the organiser
13 And when none of the four owned up , all were sacked .
14 People are already beginning to think of pre- and post-AIDS periods just as we in the seventies grew accustomed to thinking of pre- and post-gay liberation periods .
15 These were characterized by a much shallower decline in the demand for HE into the 1990s than previously .
16 The reason for the increasing size of forecasts of the demand for HE into the 1990s has been the recognition of the offsetting effects of a number of factors on the falling numbers of eighteen-year-olds .
17 That was a time when young and old had thronged the streets to welcome in a new century and , though anything with the 1800s about it was already as dead as history , it still took some years before the magical 19 in the date lost its strangeness and one would write it without a slight hesitation .
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