Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] find [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No sooner are we out of Eden than we find ourselves in a field stained with a brother 's blood ( 4.1–16 ) .
2 But I fancy that if I found myself on the field of Waterloo with a foot missing , or in a dentist 's chair without benefit of anaesthetic — a future form of laudanum — or faced with a work-situation in which my family were slowly being starved and degraded , then my conclusions might reasonably be the same . )
3 Personally , I have a basic level of awareness which I raise if I find myself in a place or situation which could prove a problem .
4 Then , on an impulse , I retraced my steps following the run of the old water washout pipes until I found myself in the remains of what must have been the old boilerhouse .
5 I ran away from him as fast as possible , and did not stop until I found myself in some fields .
6 If she found herself in Hell , Carrie thought now , she 'd just say , ‘ Well , at least we 'll be warm . ’
7 If you find yourself as a group leader or chairman accept the responsibility .
8 If you find yourself with a file that 's big enough to manipulate but too big to turn into an ASCII file , cos it does use a lot of
9 Well , my stars say if you find yourself at a low ebb this weekend do n't worry .
10 If you find yourself in this situation it is important to decide realistically how much you can do and to mark out these easy between a parent and child , it is not likely to improve at this stage .
11 For example , every time the telephone or doorbell rings , pause for two seconds before answering ( you may find this simple exercise harder than it might seem ! ) ; or , if you find yourself in a heated discussion or argument , count from ten to one before responding .
12 We live in filthy times , and if you find yourself in tune with the Zeitgeist you will know you are doing something wrong .
13 Helping an elderly parent through her sorrow can be a long , hard haul , but very rewarding in the end — not only in terms of her recovery , but also because , if you find yourself in the same position in later years , you will look back on this experience you shared with her and find that it has left you with a far deeper understanding of grief , and a greater confidence in the healing power of time to see you through your own period of adjustment to loss .
14 If you find yourself in the position of having to land the model some distance away ( which you will ) , here again they will be of great help .
15 However , if you find yourself in Socks ' predicament , with little or no influence over your major stressors , here 's my five-point psychological damage-limitation plan :
16 IF YOU find yourself in a kitchen , making masturbatory gestures with a fistful of coffee at Diane Keen — sack your agent !
17 If you find yourself in this difficulty , first try to get out of it by using only compatible drives .
18 If you find yourself in difficulties of a personal nature , you can discuss them in confidence with your manager .
19 We do therefore need to consult with the health authority if we find ourselves in a position where we think we 're no longer going to be able to achieve those targets .
20 Wounded men and prisoners could still have much to fear if they found themselves at the mercy of their opponents .
21 Overall assessment : Look , those press vultures are always being beastly about Fergie , which is jolly unfair because she ca n't answer back and she 's only doing what any perfectly normal gel would do if they found themselves in her shoes , OK ?
22 IF THEY find themselves in a tangle at an anti-social hour , the United Nations men now taking over in Somalia will at least have the chance of talking it over with their masters in New York — as well as with their unofficial masters in Washington .
23 Having escaped from their field , two goats wandered around for a while until they found themselves in a rubbish dump .
24 There followed a period of uncertainty until it found itself with new occupants Savory and Sons .
25 This was built for United Air Lines as DC-3A-197B NC 18942 in April 1948 and served with series of US operators until it found itself in the Sudan ( as N8044 ) in 1976 , before going to South Africa and joining Caprivi Airways in 1978 as ZS-KEX .
26 An individual sitting on the board of such an inquiry may satisfy his own conscience if he finds himself in disagreement with his colleagues by exercising his right to attach a minority dissenting view to the formal report if he considers it necessary to do so .
27 But not this year , but because we found ourselves in a very embarrassing situation with the forty point limit and the fact that we 've got Hans Nielson on ten point three two which you know , is good in one respect , but it erm makes very difficult situations down the bottom end .
28 ‘ He had to pick an England team from what was left after the week-end games a fortnight ago , while I found myself with just two players at Highbury for almost the entire week .
29 And I 'd like to explain since we find ourselves in the real world , rather than fantasy land , how we 've approached the subject of client server .
30 Next , before you find yourself in a situation you ca n't control you need to know about contraception and safe sex .
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