Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] go [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This was , at least , an improvement on an earlier pattern , where I went into the end-game with a lead of about 30 — and then lost on the black .
2 Conciliation facilities are available in the county courts where you go for the divorce .
3 A bookshop should be a familiar place , somewhere where one goes for the sheer love of books , for the smell and feel of them , for the companionship of others who share the joy of touching , holding , reading and learning .
4 I followed the telephone cord and found where it went into the wall .
5 So , smoker or not , drinker or latter-day prohibitionist , be sure to equip yourself with your full duty-free quotas of Marlboros and Bells afore ye go behind the remnants of the Iron Curtain .
6 well I 'm , I 'm quite happy , never going out , never see the outside world except I go in the ambulance
7 ‘ I did n't get A-levels , so I went into the Army , ’ explains the Old Etonian .
8 But he greeted me by swearing at me , so I went into the hall to find somebody else .
9 I felt really faint so I went to the pub at the end of the road where your office is — ca n't remember its name .
10 Poppy had managed to gather quite a collection of workmen 's boots , so I went to the pet shop and bought her some toys , which she loved playing with .
11 I did n't have any others so I went to the police station in stocking feet .
12 ‘ I could n't go , so I went to the second night .
13 I did n't find you at first , so I went to the bathroom .
14 I decided to go for the pills first , but after three months I was still in agony so I went for the laser operation .
15 in the endland It was too far to go every day , so I went for the week , came home to the flat at weekends , She had squash , groundnuts , rows of beans on nylon lines She had me for the weeding .
16 I get bored with watching them after a bit , so I go in the shop and have a look at their books .
17 Meredith supposed Harriet would be fully committed socially over the Christmas period but she wanted to offer some token of hospitality , so she went across the road after breakfast and asked if Harriet would like to come over to lunch .
18 Mr Arsmtrong said : ‘ She said she thought he was going to start on her again so she went into the kitchen to get a knife and while her husband had his back turned she pushed the knife into his lower back .
19 A quick glance showed that towels were needed , so she went to the linen cupboard and collected two large fluffy ones , but as she returned to the room the sound of Doreen 's plaintive voice caused her to pause .
20 Jack was busy , dealing with a nasty fracture , so she went to the nursing station and picked up the phone .
21 Yeah but they basically just do n't want to lose out either way , I mean there was no reason for them to join originally but when events happen and they see the tide turning almost , you know get with the bandwagon , I mean they , they do n't want now to be seen as the minority and the ones under threat , so you go with the er majority , with the , the stronger force
22 So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob — push the door open — go inside — close the door gently behind you so that you do n't wake up anybody else in the house ; now you go to the basin — put the plug in — turn on the tap — it 's a very stiff tap … ’ ( p. 196 ) .
23 In this particular instance it is representational , as the ‘ performance mode ’ is , for the child is required to describe in action whatever the teacher suggests ( as in the example above , ‘ So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob ’ ) , but the ‘ exercise mode ’ has other characteristics that give it a special mental quality .
24 We 've done example one together , can I now ask you to do example two , which basically is the sum , is the same sum but the client 's a smoker , so you go to the back of the book .
25 It is a long day , but you do the show and you have a buzz , so you go to the pub .
26 So you went along the corridor to her room .
27 ‘ My philosophy with Jim was that once you go onto the court , play every point deliberately .
28 Once you go past the end you go on to the red and if you win it
29 and it 's even more noticeable once you go into the , the year twelve , that first twelve months is crucial , if you just kick your heels and do nothing , you 'll find it very very difficult to work to pull up
30 This is because , although we go through the movements of looking , we do not actually see what is there .
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