Example sentences of "[subord] [pron] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This element is lacking in another group of cases , where nothing turns on any prior act of the potential defendant but rather on the delivery of the document to the official of the forum state or its publication at some prescribed place .
2 Oh to get away so I could exhaust myself with intense experiences , where everyone spoke of intense subjects and never said " pass the bread and butter . "
3 On one of them , where I farmed for 45 years , while my employees who belonged there spoke Gaelic , I also from time to time employed Scots speakers from Alyth , splendid fellows , in whose speech I could recognise classical Scots words which occur in the poetry of the Scottish Chaucerians .
4 I see the sign saying Welcome to Inverness just as I remember where I left the car and where I left from this morning and just before I turn and stamp to the nearest desk and demand in my highest dudgeon to be taken to Edinburgh on a charted Lear if necessary or limoed immediately to the highest-starred hotel within a reasonable radius for a free overnight dinner , bed and breakfast and unlimited bar tab .
5 But where I thought of this part of the game as the worst , Ken positively savoured it .
6 My father was not a rich man , but he was able to send me to Cambridge University , where I studied for three years .
7 I pulled the door shut and almost ran to the front door and into Langdon Crescent garden , where I stood for five minutes breathing in the fresh air .
8 However , after being in the ‘ Rena ’ for a week , I became seriously ill with septicaemia and was moved to St. Peter 's Hospital , where I stayed for three weeks .
9 They were still talking when I continued on my way back to my roomette where I sat in comfortable privacy for a while reading the timetable and also reflecting that although I still had no answers to the old questions , I now had a whole crop of new ones , the most urgent being whether or not Filmer had already known the Youngs were friends of Ezra Gideon .
10 Erika frowned and tilted her head as if trying to remember and then , cruelly , said , ‘ Oh yes , where I danced with that interesting lad , and with Herman Guttenbruk . ’
11 Petri often quoted the older man 's opinion : ‘ He called me his most genuine pupil and tried everything to further me , recommended me to managers and conductors , sent to me all the pupils he did not want to take , and was instrumental in getting me the appointment of Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Manchester , England , where I remained from 1905 to 1911 ’ .
12 exactly where I stand on this !
13 where I stand in another life ,
14 She can rarely have travelled , for example , more than fifteen miles from Brackley , Northamptonshire , where she lived for most of her twenty-four years .
15 Claire took part in the European Junior Masters in Brussels in May , a tournament held for national champions , where she finished in third place .
16 Her visitors in the Exeter nursing home where she died on 7th December saw all the qualities which made her such a servant of the trade continue unabated to the end — the common sense and humour , the courage , and the huge interest in others .
17 Madame de Lully 's principal residence continued to be the house on the rue St Anne , parish of St Roch , where she had resided with her husband , and where she died on 3 May 1720 .
18 Rosa cast an eye at her mother 's frowning back where she attended to some task and tried to exchange a glance of impatience with Tommaso .
19 On one occasion her piano was dragged up a hillside to the door of an isolation hut , where she sang for five rather surprised soldiers .
20 Sarah secured her post at Devons School immediately after completing a four-year Bachelor of Education degree at Bath College of Higher Education where she specialised in four to eight-year-olds .
21 If only she could turn her back on the golden Dane whose gaze still ensnared her , lose herself in the masses and find her own way back to the hotel , but she was held where she stood by invisible chains .
22 He waved to her from the gate , where she stood like any housewife seeing off her man .
23 Her parents then moved to London and admitted her as a free scholar to the sculpture studio in the Royal College of Art , where she stayed for four years and graduated an A.R.C.A.
24 After time off to have children , she became a secretary at Kendall Primary School , Colchester , where she stayed for five years before moving at Myland .
25 They settled Iris in the passenger seat of the Golf , where she sat with closed eyes .
26 In 1861 she became headmistress of the Davison Infant School , where she remained until 1873 .
27 Renowned for her ‘ tomboyish tastes ’ ( she would , even in evening dress , always carry a knife and some string about her person ) , Emma went on to the School for Ornamental Art and began to support early Victorian feminist causes , making an initial living as a restorer of stained-glass windows notably in the chapel of Merton College , Oxford , where she worked for two years in the early 1860s .
28 Mrs Taylor , a devout Baptist , made her claim against a clothing store , Franlow , where she worked until last July .
29 Who , seeing you reconciled after four years
30 Include five-minute intense relaxation spots during both morning and afternoon , where you concentrate on relaxing muscles , slowing your breathing down and calming your mind .
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