Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] the case [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Given that industrial democracy , defined as the ultimate right and duty of the men and women working in an industrial enterprise to call management to account for its performance , and , if that performance does not satisfy them , to replace management , is desirable in principle and as a means of making the efficient conduct of the enterprise their natural concern ; recognising that the rights of use attaching to ownership , whether in the private or public sector , are inalienable ; recognising the value in general of competition as a means of keeping production and provision sensitive to public needs and tastes , and as a means of relating the distribution of resources to them ; to consider ( i ) in what sort of industrial organisation would industrial democracy be feasible ; ( ii ) how far and in what circumstances would the adoption of such a form of organisation be feasible ; ( iii ) by what means should its adoption be promoted and how long would it take to establish it as a characteristic feature in the industrial scene ; ( iv ) what part should trade unions play in its promotion and adoption and what changes would that part require in their functions as they are commonly understood ; and ( v ) where in the case of a particular industry , or organisation , the general interest requires that accountability should be to the public at large , considered for example as consumers or users of goods produced or beneficiaries from services provided , what compensatory measures should be introduced so as to make good as far as possible the permanent denial to employees of a right which is in principle generally desirable ?
2 32 ( 1 ) Subject to subsection ( 3 ) below , where in the case of any action for which a period of limitation is prescribed by this Act , either — ( a ) the action is based upon the fraud of the defendant ; or ( b ) any fact relevant to the plaintiff 's right of action has been deliberately concealed from him by the defendant ; or ( c ) the action is for relief from the consequences of a mistake ; the period of limitation shall not begin to run until the plaintiff has discovered the fraud , concealment or mistake ( as the case may be ) or could with reasonable diligence have discovered it …
3 Except for the case of a pre-existing open fracture , the rock tensile strength To has to be overcome for a hydraulic fracture to be initiated .
4 Whatever the details it seems clear that : ( 1 ) except in the case of
5 They do not use the ‘ animal ’ terms their critics use except in the case of black players where ape-like grunting and the throwing of bananas are common .
6 It calls for an end to the fighting , and re-asserts the OAS principles of non-interference in the internal afairs of other states and no military action against a fellow OAS member except in the case of aggression .
7 Nor is there any likelihood of competition being diminished , except in the case of one minor product , titanium dioxide .
8 Neither father nor mother can deprive themselves of their rights , except in the case of a separation agreement between husband and wife ; and even such an agreement will not be enforced by the court if the court considers it not to be for the child 's benefit .
9 To confine the word to either sense would hardly be possible without pedantry ; though , on the one hand , we may agree that a thing which has no owner — a rare event in a civilized country , except in the case of a few things , like wild animals at large — is not property , and , on the other , we may often avoid confusion by using the word ‘ ownership ’ for the most extensive right which a man can have over material things .
10 But the effect of a Measure of the Church Assembly of 1923 has been to render advowsons virtually inalienable , except in the case of a sale of land to which an advowson is appendant .
11 It seems doubtful , except in the case of the more prosperous areas , whether the acquisitive nature of society was as important to the working class as was the need to survive and adjust to the depression .
12 As it happened , the Stewart kings between 1406 and 1542 had married wives of considerable personality and , except in the case of Margaret Tudor , skill ; in the power-sharing between Mary of Gueldres , widow of James II , and the then elder statesman , James Kennedy , bishop of St Andrews , during the early years of James III 's minority , for example , it was the Queen Mother who pursued a much more intelligent foreign policy towards England than the bishop .
13 Except in the case of Mary of Guise , however , it is going too far to see this as a general affirmation of enthusiasm for the Auld Alliance , and total alienation from England , or as a means of eradicating Protestantism .
14 What was found was that referral types were spread fairly equally across both time periods except in the case of sexual abuse referrals where 9 out of 12 referrals were received in hours .
15 the first £25 of each and every claim each person each section except in the case of delayed or mis-directed baggage which is subsequently delivered to the Insured Person .
16 Support was welcomed , but except in the case of Israel and the United States , the relationships which evolved tended to be as frustrating as rewarding for all the contestants .
17 Without naming anyone , he points a finger at a number of recent American gold medallists and shows surprise that the British drug testing programme produced no positive results for two years except in the case of pole vaulter Jeff Gutteridge .
18 Renewable sources of energy generally require larger investment than conventional energy except in the case of high temperature geothermal and some types of bio conversion .
19 And for children ⅕ of the amount of those benefits stated for adults are payable except in the case of a fatal accident where 1/50 of the total benefit would be paid . )
20 The candidate must be proposed and seconded and after being proposed and seconded he must obtain the signatures of eight assentors , except in the case of a parish , town or community council election where assentors are not required .
21 A councillor resigns his office by notice in writing signed by him and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the authority , except in the case of a parish , town or community councillor when it should be addressed to the chairman of the council .
22 This table also shows , as one would expect , that the proportion of clients remaining at home declined between six months and one year ( except in the case of the Ipswich control sample , where numbers were very small ) ; that residential accommodation is the more widely used form of institutional care ; and that although there is some difference between Ipswich and Newham , the general picture is much the same in the two locations .
23 To avoid confusion between the different arrows the keys ' names are used in the Guide instead of their symbols , except in the case of the four arrowed direction keys , where both are given .
24 All consultations are by appointment except in the case of emergency , when a patient will be seen immediately .
25 Exactly how the mind affects such symptoms is not known , except in the case of asthma where the autonomic nervous system can make the bronchi contract in response to anxiety or emotion .
26 The individuals most concerned on these three occasions do not usually instigate them except in the case of the marriage .
27 Hostility to the Jewish State has been unremitting except in the case of Egypt since 1977 .
28 Dicta referred to above suggest that a court is entitled , indeed , obliged to be satisfied that there has been enactment by the monarch with the advice and consent of Lords and Commons ( except in the case of the Parliament Act procedure dealt with above , pp.98–9 ) .
29 All finance costs should be charged in the profit and loss account , except in the case of investment companies , which are addressed in paragraph 46 .
30 Dealings here are for seven day rolling settlement except in the case of new issues .
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