Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] the [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 Their own experiences at the Front , and the fact that in many of their villages and townships heavier losses had already been recorded than in the First World War , contradicted what Hitler had had to say .
2 Of course , there are relatively as well as absolutely very many more poor people in the Third World than in the First World but this is not only a question of geography but also of transnational class location .
3 In summary , these are : i ) low-income countries will not lose so much in the way of earnings if their population is damaged by pollution , since wages are so low anyway ; ii ) under-populated countries in regions such as Africa are effectively " under-polluted " compared to urbanized areas such as Los Angeles or Mexico City — ideally , there should be a " world-welfare-enhancing trade in air pollution and waste " ; and iii ) environmental concern , on health and aesthetic grounds , is much more acute in high-income countries than in the third world , where direct alleviation of poverty is seen as more pressing .
4 If anything , he says , the IASC could be accused of focusing too much on countries in Continental Europe and Japan , rather than on the Third World , in an effort to put the framework of basic accounting standards in place .
5 He played his first match at the age of 17 for Gloucester in 1920 and continued until after the Second World War .
6 These institutions were concerned mainly with gymnastics and confined largely to women until after the Second World War .
7 In the twentieth century they were succeeded by men like A. S. Peake ( Primitive Methodist ) , C. H. Dodd ( Congregationalist ) , H. Wheeler Robinson ( Baptist ) and P. T. Forsyth ( Congregationalist ) whose work was similar to Barth 's and whose ‘ true spiritual stature was not seen or even glimpsed ’ until after the Second World War .
8 She had been a nurse at St. Thomas 's Hospital in London and there exists a link with Chiswick in that St. Thomas 's had a sports ground in Chiswick until after the second world war , which was acquired by the local authority for housing purposes , and in her honour one of the roads was named ‘ Florence Close ’ .
9 Concern about the inherent cruelty of this hardly appears in literature until after the Second World War .
10 The decline in numbers did not really set in until after the Second World War , when elephants were , incidentally , used to carry ammunition during the Burma campaign .
11 Even modern man made comparatively little impact on the orang-utan 's habitat there until after the Second World War .
12 It was not until after the Second World War that a distinction between an exoteric display of prejudice and an esoteric anti-semitic ideology can be discerned in racial nationalist literature .
13 Contraceptive IUDs as such were not developed until 1930 by Ohta in Japan , and were not made in a form suitable for mass use until after the Second World War .
14 He was still more worried about the extensive rewriting of history that school text-books had been subjected to ; something of which most of us remained unaware until after the Second World War .
15 The rise of the nation state to this position of eminence is indeed very recent ; in Europe a multinational state — the Habsburg monarchy — remained a major power until 1918 , while the empires of other European powers , especially Britain and France , denied national independence to peoples in much of the rest of the world until after the Second World War .
16 Regular air services , by aeroplane , did not start until after the First World War .
17 Coronary heart disease is essentially a modern Western disease and was rare , even in Western countries , until after the First World War .
18 And it was n't really until after the First World War when things really sort of er got started and er women sort of carried on and , and they do take jobs and occupations er that they sort of really came into their own .
19 Cotton topped the bill at the London Coliseum in 1939 and was such a hit that he was offered a 16-week provincial tour , never realised because of the Second World War .
20 This was not to be finished until 1954 because of the Second World War , and the need to build a new tunnel at Woodhead .
21 Because of the second world war , this never came to pass , but its generous boundaries have always been dear to the heart of Croatia 's president , Franjo Tudjman .
22 We travelled back and forth between England and India until I was seven when , because of the First World War , we did not leave India for five idyllic years from 1915 .
23 Between 1912 and 1930 their most successful period was 1914–18 when all football was suspended because of the First World War .
24 What is interesting is that , while in the Third World education is still seen as ( and still is ) a pathway to a new economic existence , here in the Western World we have passed along that pathway and are fast approaching a crossroads without any identifying markers .
25 Yet , she is running the slimmest Cabinet machine since before the Second World War .
26 A feature of most high density areas is that there has been a long-term decline in population and density since before the Second World War ( Craig 1986 ) .
27 There has been a tradition of networking in Japan since before the Second World War .
28 One of the accused , 67 year-old Jabulelwe Majolo , has lived in the Durban area since before the Second World War .
29 Local elections held on May 27 were Poland 's first completely free multiparty elections since before the Second World War ( in the parliamentary elections of June 1989 there had been an agreed distribution of seats in the Sejm ( the lower house of the National Assembly ) among the former ruling parties and opposition or independent candidates — see pp. 36722-24 , and some opposition groups had been denied registration to compete as parties ) .
30 The first round of the Serbian local , parliamentary and presidential elections was held on Nov. 10 and 12 , 1989 , the first direct secret ballot in Serbia since before the Second World War .
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