Example sentences of "[subord] [prep] [art] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Within his four branches , Cuvier subdivided using multiple criteria and separating , for example , the marsupials from the other mammals , although from the outside the koala looks a bit like a bear , and the thylacine ( or Tasmanian wolf ) very like a dog or wolf .
2 In this respect if in no other the concept of the family as a more or less stable institution is becoming an impossible one .
3 It also seems to be roughly true that in domestic breeds of sheep the horns are more tightly coiled — they display greater torsion — whereas in the wild the horns of many antelopes are long , straight , extended twists .
4 In one direction only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean , while in the other the valley goes back for miles and miles .
5 In one direction the carriage will knit , while in the other the needles will make the tucking movement .
6 In each case , Tab and Dez remain constant ( though secondary Tabs may change ) and the movement is simple ; but in the one case the movement produces no additional spatial information while in the other the spatial information changes at the end of the sign .
7 Thus on the one hand the liberal , free economy strategy is evidenced in the non-censorship of all but the most extreme pornography and the encouragement of commercial values in broadcasting , which is likely to mean decreased control over pornographic images , while on the other the strong state strategy is evidenced by that hard core pornography is not open to direct viewing by the public and by the appointment of censorious watchdogs over the BBC .
8 While the prospect of reconciliation between the king and the archbishop grew , it did so because on the one hand the papal ruling on royal taxation of the clergy had been relaxed , while on the other the king 's relations with his leading magnates were now rapidly deteriorating as he sought to raise and pay for an expeditionary force to Flanders .
9 Secondly , the zone of tension between the Soviet Union and the West allowed national liberation movements to play one side off against the other : on the one hand , fear of ‘ communism ’ induced some colonial powers to make political concessions , while on the other the Soviet Union often provided political support , arms and training to these movements .
10 But the sooty is ‘ blacker ’ above with a white forehead that extends only to the eye , while on the bridled the white forehead extends over and a little way beyond the eye .
11 At one extreme the mighty Severn powers its way to the Bristol Channel , while at the other a Yorkshire brook gurgles across moorland .
12 The sexual struggle is of two kinds ; in the one it is between individuals of the same sex , generally the male sex , in order to drive away or kill their rivals , the females remain passive ; whilst in the other the struggle is likewise between the individuals of the same sex , in order to excite or charm those of the opposite sex , generally the females , which no longer remain passive , but select more agreeable partners .
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