Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I had read all manner of learned papers and cover stories in American news magazines talking of the ‘ Dawn of the Pacific Age ’ and suchlike : so why not go where that dawn actually happens ?
2 Although an important feature of the contracting procedure , this is one where economic evaluation currently has little to offer .
3 But the attempt to assure us that directors are controlled by their shareholders must fail , for no matter how far the law goes in strengthening the powers conferred upon shareholders to monitor the managers of their company the reality is that where each shareholder only holds a tiny proportion of the share capital of the company none of the shareholders will avail themselves of the powers given to them to monitor the management .
4 Where this book mainly fails is in its implied answer to the question : what sort of science is to be grown ?
5 The last of the four ancient universities of Scotland to be established , Edinburgh owes its origin to the Town Council who provided the necessary finances , procured the site , where Old College now stands , and negotiated for the Royal Sanction .
6 It had been made by a galactically known artist — an ancient , smelly and mostly blind human living on a renovated asteroid near the Home System where Old Earth still spins .
7 Even in such cases references in court to Parliamentary material should only be permitted where such material clearly discloses the mischief aimed at or the legislative intention lying behind the ambiguous or obscure words .
8 Theft can be described as where one person unlawfully removes the property of another person with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of such property .
9 In the wide centre space , where one box alone stood along one wall , there was a comfortable chair for the redoubtable Ms Brown , along with a table , equipment lockers , a refrigerator and a heavy plastic water tank with a tap low down for the filling of buckets .
10 If you are one of the unfortunate ones facing misery in your marriage , let me say with sensitivity and understanding that God does and will sustain those in deeply unhappy relationships , especially those in marriages where one partner simply refuses to do anything to help the situation .
11 Mass loyalty is a prerequisite for state elites if they are to pursue international ambitions in an era where industrial might determines international prestige and power , and where mass disaffection directly impairs the economic and military prowess ofthe state .
12 The Cailleach Bheur fights the oncoming Spring with her staff , but will always lose the battle , hiding beneath a holly bush where green grass never grows , until the seasons change again .
13 Those of them which were not about the Englishman 's standard of living ( no peasant wooden shoes and no Irish potatoes ) were shared by many of the " middling people " ; these were the issues and they were more important than any lingering popular Jacobitism , although that sentiment certainly existed .
14 Only when Benazir its strict rules within its walls , so each household also has a well defined ‘ parish ’ where its members are allowed to operate .
15 The agreement formally ended 13 years of civil war , although small-scale fighting reportedly continued , and analysts were generally cautious in their appraisal of the agreement , noting that there still remained many barriers to genuine peace in Cambodia .
16 Uniforum and Patty Seybold 's Group , co-sponsors of Executive Uniforum , have parted company : Seybold is now going to host her own Open Systems Forum in Boston next April , promising to deliver a lot more users than Executive Uniforum ever did .
17 Temporary workers and overtime working could be substitutes or complements ( albeit that overtime often permits a more immediate response and entails no recruitment training costs ) , and our case studies explore this issue in more detail .
18 On Germany , Bush said that he was not sure whether differences over the terms for German unification had been narrowed , although each side now understood the other 's concerns better .
19 The advantage they have over individuals is that , although each practice only contains a part of the complex phenomenon which is society , each one is a ‘ whole ’ in the sense that it consists of a variety of different kinds of parts , all of which are interrelated .
20 Not all could , or would , do this but , even if they did , the problem that patients might choose the type of food because of habit rather than careful deliberation still exists .
21 Although this trio again blended well together it was the tremendous ability of McClure which sealed the ticket to Ayr .
22 Although this circumstance continually brings an unwelcome number of new soldiers of fortune into the field and into competition with the already existing individual capitalists , it also reinforces the supremacy of capital itself , expands its base and enables it to recruit ever new forces for itself out of the substratum of society .
23 Although this conversation too has sequences of opinion and justification , it does not proceed in a linear fashion .
24 Although this video naturally concentrates on the only supersonic passenger aircraft remaining in commercial service , it also contains some excellent and rarely-seen footage of the development of its Soviet competitor , the Tu–144 ‘ Concordski ’ .
25 Trying a pure tone stimulus , light flashes , and a water spray on an exposed part of the body , Dement and Wolpert found that the water spray was most effective in influencing the content of dreams ( although this stimulus also tended to wake the subjects up ! ) .
26 Most of the village tradesmen were , therefore , within hailing distance of one another ; and although this compactness undoubtedly made Framsden an exception , it was the condition that most villages tended to .
27 Although this case obviously did not concern accountants directly , it proved crucial to subsequent claims against them .
28 Size is quickly adjusted with compression straps and full-length zipped gussets , although this system all adds to the sack 's 2.4kg .
29 After correcting for this imbalance by the direct standardisation method , the recurrence rate in the ursodeoxycholic acid treated patients ( 15% ) was only half that seen in the other two groups ( 30% ) although this difference still failed to reach statistical significance .
30 The Official Solicitor answered the call of the court within minutes and , although this application only came to the notice of the court officials at 1.30 p.m. it has come on for hearing just before 2 p.m. and now at 2.18 p.m .
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