Example sentences of "[subord] [adj] [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 7.2.2 The White Paper comments that some GPs may have to be ‘ re-educated ’ in their referral practices , if the DHA arranged a contract with a hospital other than that which the GP has used by choice .
2 One of the most serious incidents concerned the town of Batavia , Illinois , whose 17,000 residents allegedly suffer a cancer risk several hundred times higher than that which the EPA regards as acceptable , due to a reported failure by the agency to take action over high levels of radioactivity in drinking water .
3 Her best known novel , Memoirs of the Emperor Hadrian , is a work of scholarship and fiction , but , unlike the narratologists , she believed in the truth of history and the often melancholy tone of her writing lies in her regret that the dead have no more truthful memorial than that which the living can provide .
4 Secondly , the demands made by the innovation on the teacher 's repertoire of transactions may be greater than that which the teacher is accustomed to , or in the context of the particular class , is willing to risk trying .
5 Subsection ( 2 ) is clearly an exception to the nemo dat principle , since the buyers were able to confer upon the sub-purchaser a title better than that which the buyers had themselves , namely , a title free from the sellers ’ lien and which therefore gave to the sub-purchaser the right to immediate possession .
6 The population of Tor Yvresse is less than half what the city was built to accommodate and the wide boulevards seem empty even when the entire population takes to the streets during the great Festival of Masques .
7 The level of lysine in straight cereals is less than half what the horse requires for hard work and reproduction .
8 Her utterly unquestioning faith in the Bible led her to believe that none could possibly be luckier or greater than those whom the love of God chooses , and if the love of God had chosen to choose the Jews , then their superiority over the rest of mankind could not possibly be doubted .
9 But by the detective novel I mean a book in which the puzzle element is reduced and in which the characters are a good deal more lifelike than those which the blueprint puzzle merchants needed and in which the element of character drawing is given much more weight .
10 What Kleinwort needed , to give more useful advice , was the detailed forecasts of the company 's and industry 's prospects up until 1992 which the managers had given to their own backers .
11 If those whom the church excommunicated by name were still unreconciled after forty days , the church in England , as in western Europe generally , could call on the secular arm to assist .
12 I would myself have come to the same conclusion as that which the deputy judge expressed [ 1991 ] 3 W.L.R. 514 , 528 :
13 The administration 's response to these dilemmas is , first , to keep as secret as possible what the state is doing and , second , to operate through organizations not formally part of the state apparatus .
14 The sort of agreements which the legislation is designed to catch are precisely the same as those which the UK legislation is aimed at , namely price fixing , market sharing , restrictions on supply , etc .
15 Such ‘ limits ’ on the freedom of the press are often overlooked yet their consequences may be just as severe as those which the state can impose .
16 ( The parallelism of the three statements is interrupted by the different form of the third , and the particular words used for male and female , which are not those which one would expect , are the same as those which the Septuagint — the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures with which Paul would have been familiar — uses in the Genesis verse. ) 34 If this is the case , then Paul is in effect saying that the subordination , which owes to the fall , is overcome in Christ , the second Adam .
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