Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Does he feel that he might try to persuade Mr. Collins at their next meeting to devote a little more time to the containment of that particular problem rather than wasting it on demands that a policeman accompany every Army patrol in Northern Ireland , presumably to ensure that the Special Air Services remember to say ’ please ’ and ’ thank you ’ to any civilian they may encounter ?
2 Similarly , in an effort to reach an accommodation with women trade unionists , the NUSEC rejected the traditional nineteenth-century feminist opposition to protective legislation , pledging to work for the extension of such legislation to men rather than opposing it for women .
3 I have 200m shares , nothing would please me more than to see them at £1 each . ’
4 This involves a willingness to acknowledge that co-operation can be difficult and that mistakes will occur , and a commitment to making the solving of problems a priority , rather than allowing them to fester .
5 Ribbing in the stitches on either side of the cable draws the work in more than allowing it to ladder down , which makes working a sample piece very important .
6 Furthermore , it is more advantageous for management to subscribe shares than to acquire them by transfer , because they may then be entitled to income tax relief pursuant to s574 Taxes Act 1988 if the venture fails .
7 But the men reacted to the women " on the basis of sex solidarity rather than seeing them as part of the working class ' .
8 Jonathan Burnham describes Power Feminism as ‘ a manifesto for a new generation of women , offering a feminism based on powerful roles for women rather than seeing them as victims ’ .
9 Rather than accusing him of anachronism , academic critics tended to concentrate their fire on internal contradictions or flawed assumptions in his policy .
10 Please return them as soon as possible , rather than using them for storage .
11 Other than using it for business purposes , there are no restrictions — except , of course , that you must not overstep your borrowing limit .
12 These changes essentially affected only the production strand of the course as editorial staff retained an element of scepticism about the evolution of SGML ( and ASPIC ) and its significance for copy-editors , preferring to inform students of its existence rather than include it within working practice .
13 One controversial licensed dealer often did not pay its interest due , although expected it from clients .
14 Poststructuralism , which in its own way also takes part in that history of Western Marxism , differs only insofar as it foregrounds the implications of the theoretical difficulties involved rather than repressing them in pursuit of the unrealized ideal .
15 Remember that it is better to kill the reader with kindness by selecting information for him than to batter him to death in a flurry of factual blows !
16 This is much easier than keeping them in piles in a cupboard or closet .
17 It must also be remembered that death usually took place in the home , not only because nineteenth century parents preferred it , but also because , before the development of antisepsis in practical nursing in the last quarter of the century , to send a patient to hospital was much more likely to prove fatal than keeping him at home .
18 Most of these reserves were held in the Eurodollar market , which meant that rather than deposit them in New York the central banks of the oil producers deposited them in banks outside the United States .
19 Not surprisingly , it costs less for New York and New Jersey to send their rubbish halfway across America than to tip it at home .
20 Enhancements to Gemstone include improved cache functions , which enable temporary objects to be held in memory rather than writing them to disk ; disk clustering , and reduced object identification size .
21 Better bury gold in the embankments , than put it in ornaments on the stations .
22 It already makes black and white displays in the US , but demand for notebook personal computers with colour displays is growing , and Sharp says it would rather make these locally than export them from Japan , where they are still subject to perverse US anti-dumping duties .
23 The state-owned Scottish Nuclear company , which operates Scotland 's two nuclear plants , has decided to " dry store " most of its spent nuclear fuel , rather than send it for reprocessing at the British Nuclear Fuels plant at Sellafield .
24 A major start has already been made with the agreement that Scottish Nuclear can store its spent fuel on site rather than send it to BNF 's reprocessing plant at Sellafield in Cumbria , which will save £45 million a year .
25 In order to give people more confidence rather than surrounding them with gloom and doom , we should point out that , since 1979 , GDP has risen 22 per cent .
26 What was interesting about that was that at the time John Brown got into financial difficulties the banks and institutional shareholders took a tough but very constructive view that it was worth helping the company through a reconstruction rather than forcing it into liquidation , which had been an attitude prevalent some years earlier .
27 This is traditional children 's Christmas holiday fare and those of you with sprogs still naive enough to appreciate it could do worse than plonk them in front of this when they start the equally traditional post-present grizzling .
28 If you were prone to feeling miserable , for example , the aim is to prevent feelings of misery rather than to swop them for feelings of ecstasy .
29 Now he was peeved because his secretary , whom he had categorized as intelligent , sensible , dedicated , preferred to stay in Norfolk with her lover , a man he despised , rather than follow him to London .
30 My father may leave everything to me , but I frankly would n't know what to do with it other than give it to Jamie . ’
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