Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [art] [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Stereolab always look tonight as if they 've got a few more tricks up their sleeve than anyone else around at the moment , and in an age where recycling the past to create a spurious version of the future is the order of the day , they may well prove to be a benchmark of quality for their times .
2 Realising that it is far too late in her life to expect her to do more than make an effort to modify this trait in her character , you should see if you can direct it away from the home .
3 Secondly , the professional may insist upon controlling the work that he or she does rather than allowing the administrator to impose control .
4 The possible solutions will depend on the severity of the handicap , but parents should be encouraged to consider ways in which their children might remain creatively active , thus continuing the process of education rather than allowing the person to retrogress .
5 They remain merely an intriguing possibility , showing more about the human addiction to order than allowing the Earth to show her own organic nature .
6 In many respects it fails to answer these issues satisfactorily , although allowing the court to order medical examinations without parental consent legitimizes a position well established on an informal basis amongst the professionals involved .
7 On the other hand it can be argued that , by rejecting the bid , the MMC were more concerned to maintain the existence of competition ( as measured by the number of firms in the market ) rather than enhance the ability to compete ( as claimed by those arguing that a merger would lower unit costs ) .
8 The workshop on lnternationalism although ’ boasting ’ an array of speakers , was then hijacked by participants selling their campaigns , rather than using the information to broaden perspectives .
9 Second , the expression of aggression and its consequent momentary release of tension strengthens rather than weakens the tendency to behave aggressively ( see page 80 ) .
10 If you were looking for a physico-chemical reason for this fact rather than the , more usual , historical one you could do worse than suggest a capacity to make helical molecules .
11 After that it would be simpler to make a journey into the country than to find an excuse to walk through the hospital doors .
12 This means more than booking the physiotherapist to come and carry out postural drainage on a person with a chest infection , or ‘ getting the psychotherapist in ’ to try to help a distressed client .
13 He has more than earned the right to confront the IRA with the tragic error of their ways and to demand a cease-fire .
14 This is the same set of attitudes which causes people to clear out the unwanted gear out of their lofts to send to Ethiopia rather than enabling the Ethiopians to get the best training possible as irrigation engineers , doctors and agricultural scientists and economists .
15 Freedom for people to move around without interruption , it was said , was ‘ of infinitely greater importance than guaranteeing the right to hold public meetings and to march in procession ’ .
16 Trust that whatever happens is right for you , rather than wanting the experience to conform to your expectations .
17 It was reportedly built from the ground up using a concept called Modifiability-by-Design to bend to the way businesses are actually run rather than forcing the user to adapt to the software .
18 I am not writing to discuss the subject of inflation although give a soap-box to stand on I could go on for ever .
19 Firstly , it should be remembered that raising well-equipped military forces may sometimes have been no less expensive than paying the enemy to go away .
20 ‘ It is an invitation to hoof the ball forward rather than use the goalkeeper to play the ball from the back , as Tottenham prefer to do . ’
21 If you are scoring the tests yourself , rather than getting the computer to do it for you , then always do so at the same time of day — otherwise there would be variability due to time-of-day effects upon your scoring ability .
22 Kate Probst , of Resources for the Future , argues that it is usually fairer to penalise polluters than to leave the taxpayer to clean up dirty old sites .
23 In most cases it is better to improve your credit control than to give a discount to entice payment .
24 This means that leaders and government have to be accessible to the people ; and , given the great gulf that has opened up between them in so many modern societies , this probably means that the government has to go to the people , rather than expecting the people to come to it .
25 Saying this is , of course , much easier than persuading an employer to agree to it .
26 Mr Craxi thinks the new rules would penalise smaller parties such as his own ; hence the speculation that he would rather bring down the government than allow the referendums to happen .
27 Had Brien fitzCount 's aim been to appease Matilda by killing Guy while he was apparently escaping , sooner than allow the Empress to murder her guest out of hand ?
28 The King could reasonably take the view that he was doing no more than exercising the right to encourage , one of Bagehot 's famous trinity of rights , and that he was encouraging his Prime Minister in achieving his aims , rather than pressing MacDonald to adopt a course which was unwelcome to him .
29 The Turks cautiously did nothing except invite the powers to maintain the Berlin settlement .
30 Millward Brown use their own proprietary system of analysis — a form of mathematical modelling — to translate the data for each individual brand into a so-called ‘ awareness index ’ ; and many of their clients have fallen into the tempting habit of using this single number as a measure of the effectiveness of a commercial or campaign , rather than taking the trouble to make a more detailed study of the data underlying the index .
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