Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 Willis ( 1983 ) found that black males aged between 16 and 24 were stopped ten times more than average ( although prosecuted in the same proportion as white juveniles ) .
2 Although running at the same as the national Children In Need Appeal , Cash for Kids is organised locally by Radio Clyde , and the money is used to provide special Christmas treats or presents for needy children throughout West Central Scotland .
3 Detailed geochemical profiling of the lava sequences has revealed a complex history of eruption from magma chambers which , although linked in the same geotectonic setting , had individual development paths within the crust .
4 Concentrations of two other heavy metal pollutants , cadmium and zinc , were more than halved during the same period .
5 Although numbered in the same series as the original cars , this batch in fact belonged to the B.E.T .
6 Instead there are two planes , lying in echelon with one another , so that , although extending between the same levels , the planes end in a different alignment .
7 The emphasis is on Europe and in July their bookings were more than doubled on the same month last year .
8 And fourth quarter earnings , if calculated on the same basis , would have increased 11.4% .
9 The inhibitory effect of TPA was the same whether it was added 30 or 10 minutes before challenge with histamine at 20°C , but TPA was ineffective if added at the same time as histamine ( Fig 3 ) .
10 It measures with reasonable accuracy if confined to the same subject throughout the measuring period , but this accuracy is very much reduced if the subject is changed .
11 2.15.9 such parts of the main structure walls foundations and roofs of the Centre that are not included in the Premises and that would not be included in the Premises demised by the Leases of all the other units in the Centre if let on the same terms as this Lease
12 If fed at the same time each day the fish will quickly learn to recognise their owners as a source of food and rise to the surface to be fed .
13 Certain types of pulsating stars , known as Cepheids and R R Lyrae , have the same absolute brightness — which means they would be equally bright if seen from the same distance .
14 It is also an independent feeding method which involves a separate rod and line to lower the dropper in , or , if used with the same rod and line with which you are fishing , takes up precious minutes of time when your hookbait could be in the water ; valuable minutes when the barbel are mad on feed .
15 But in the opinion of one analytical chemist connected with racing , designer drugs have become big business in America and side-by-side with their development have come masking agents — innocent in themselves but if administered at the same time capable of totally wiping out any trace of them .
16 He stood with his back to the fire , dominating the room and as if trying at the same time to dominate Sarella 's thoughts .
17 Also , if you and your Spouse are both covered by the Plan and are hospitalised at the same time , your cover will again be doubled — giving you £160 each , if hospitalised at the same time following an accident .
18 Extra sanding discs are available for only £2.49 if ordered at the same time as the Bench Sander .
19 Additional 12mm diameter cutting bits are available for £6.50 each if ordered at the same time as the Wallchaser .
20 Belinda listened on tenterhooks to one side of the discussion as Tom somehow managed to present his case forcefully while driving at the same time .
21 The important aspect of the relative clause proposal seems to be that both relative clause and postnominal adjective share the characteristics of linking an adjective to its head noun by the relation of assignment , not simple qualification , while remaining within the same entity-identifying phrase as that noun .
22 After years he had lost his oldest and best friend but in a way he had always despised friendship ; families were what mattered , more particularly that larger version of himself — his family ; and while seated in the same scheming fury he saw each individual member gradually slipping away out of his reach .
23 Thus Houston attempts to think through the difference which television 's textual specificity presents to theories of the psychoanalytic and semiotic subject , while recognizing at the same time the interrelationship between that specificity and the specificities of institution and viewing .
24 On this issue therefore , I find it curious that so many people can become excited at the humanitarianism of the young Marx while choosing at the same time to ignore the inhumanity of the more mature Marx .
25 While standing in the same street , joy would notice the creative window displays and smiling faces , hear the laughter and smell the roasting chestnuts on the street corner ; while Gloom would see the traffic , litter and inflated prices , hear the honking horns and smell the exhaust fumes .
26 When choosing garment shapes , keep them as simple as possible , unless you are planning to knit the garment while working in the same room , for example on another machine .
27 The complication was in saying the newly minted lines at the right side of the mirror whilst arriving at the same place each time .
28 It may be that in rivers there are times when two or even more shoals rendezvous at a point along a shared beat and pass each other — whether travelling in the same direction or not — by swimming over the top of whoever has arrived first .
29 I wonder what Ministry will provoke in the kids here inside this Berlin dope den — are they as consumed by the same perverse taste for blood as myself ?
30 Audiences might have enjoyed reinterpretations , as when Odling at the same period suggested that phlogiston was an anticipation of the idea of chemical energy , rather than a non-substance .
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