Example sentences of "[subord] [verb] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No one can doubt that it is far better to aim to prevent job problems arising than to try to cure them by means of a law suit .
2 The little waves ‘ strike ’ the shore , the high part of an advancing wave is a ‘ hump ’ ; looking to another portion of creation , it would surely be better , but impossible , just to ‘ observe ’ the behaviour of migrating starlings than to try to understand it through the conflicting ‘ explanations ’ that have been proposed for it .
3 The specification was also very comprehensive , and the 1987 version added the significant message that heads and coordinators should select from and adapt the list rather than seek to implement it in its entirety .
4 He ruled with justice and mercy , befriending the Moors rather than seeking to overpower them with his presence .
5 Syncretistic vision represents the salient visible details , the hero 's Brylcreemed hair and pocketful of peanuts , rather than seeking to explain him in terms of his social and intellectual background .
6 However , rather than serving to dissuade us from finding some base for the notion of students ' academic freedom , the epistemological grounding of the German universities holds some definite clues that are worth pursuing .
7 It seemed that both incomers and Shetlanders presumed that the researchers did have a clearcut image of conflict in the area and that they were just fiddling about trying to show it , rather than attempting to do something about it ( e.g. putting the incomers somewhere else , helping out the incomers for once , etc . ) .
8 It is much better to step in and help people firmly rather than having to punish them at a later stage .
9 It is much better to attempt to prevent fears arising , rather than having to rectify them at a later stage .
10 Although having accustomed ourselves to ‘ polyfilla based nutrition ’ nothing could have prepared us for the fish which was served at one of the so-called meals .
11 It 's an Amstrad P C W nine five one two er can anyone help other than saying put it in a carrier bag and lob it off Trent Bridge .
12 If this is not possible ( and it usually is n't ) , the golden advice at the present time must be to sell first rather than risk lumbering yourself with the crippling expense of having to borrow for several months or possibly longer .
13 The aim of the three-to-seven-year leasing programme is to free 1,250 pubs from the brewers ' tie before the November deadline , rather than try to sell them into a depressed market .
14 Districts can buy what they want from a nearby district or a teaching hospital rather than attempt to provide everything in their own area .
15 It follows that any strategy to protect them and to ensure their future must include all these aspects , rather than attempt to protect one at the expense of others .
16 On March 22 , after an emotional debate , the Idaho state legislature passed legislation to prohibit abortion as a form of birth control , although continued to allow it in cases of profound foetal abnormality , maternal risk , and in some cases of rape and incest .
17 The conclusion was that it would be better to destroy the larger animals humanely than to attempt to move them to a safer place .
18 A lot of labour yes but that was far far better than to have to turn them by hand you know .
19 In a busy life , it is easier to avoid embarrassment than to have to extricate oneself from it .
20 Surely that 's a better way to deal with machismo than trying to deafen ourselves to its allure .
21 Moreover , such a policy would be seen to be libertarian , in that it genuinely trusted people to spend their own money in ways they prefer , rather than trying to bribe them into centrally determined consumption patterns .
22 It would be far better , as my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary said , to conclude association agreements with those countries and to help them in every way to catch up and to adopt the principles of a single free market rather than trying to integrate them within new political structures .
23 In so far as Hartman 's book wants to be read as a form of fiction , one can make the adverse literary-critical point that the prose is dense and cloyingly arch , with a crooning , caressing quality about it , suggesting the tone of a man talking quietly and earnestly to himself rather than trying to communicate anything to others .
24 In March 1991 , more people there voted to recall him as their deputy than had voted him into office in the election a year before .
25 than have to constrain himself to one and and and there 's just no m content there .
26 Call the Coastguard for information if in doubt — they would rather speak to you on the phone than have to rescue you on the water !
27 A If an anemone can not be easily removed ( and without damage ) when you buy it , then I would certainly seriously consider buying the rock if has attached itself to as well .
28 There is a general rule that the holder may disclose information held in confidence if necessary to protect his own interests , and it may be that disclosure is justified if needed to protect someone from harm .
29 There was , they believed , no reason ‘ why competent knowledge and critical skill , if encouraged to exercise themselves in the disinterested pursuit of truth , should be less fruitful in religious than in social and physical ideas ’ .
30 he peered into the envelope as if hoping to find something worth having inside , then glanced swiftly through the letter and having read it flipped it and the envelope , with a gesture of disgust , to the ground .
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