Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] feel the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But that said , if people feel the way they do , if you do n't think I have your best interests at heart , if we are n't all pulling together as one , then I have personally failed .
2 It is almost as if Lijn feels the need to replace a vacuum of powerful female imagery with real figures .
3 On the other hand , while Christians felt the pressure to make such a distinction and to separate the sacred sharply from the profane , they had no clear criteria to show where the line was to be drawn .
4 Ministers now fear it could be months before consumers feel the benefit .
5 As Frodo feels the pressure of the Eye on Amon Hen , a Voice speaks to him and gives him a moment of freedom to act .
6 In time and with an increasingly ageing population , I foresee the same thing happening here ; that when people feel the time has come for release , they will gather the family round them to say farewell and then with those they love most beside them , they will ask for and be handed , as their right , the means of self-deliverance .
7 I do not know what happens when men feel the ecstasy that Thoreau experienced , but it is one of the highest joys known to man .
8 It is worth mentioning at this point that many people who were adopted as babies feel the need in midlife to search out their natural parents .
9 Sometimes it was important to spoil oneself — Helena had written a piece on it for the last issue of Athene , explaining that when women felt the need for a little luxury they should give in to it , that pampering oneself created an inner glow which proclaimed that this was a Special Woman .
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