Example sentences of "[subord] [noun] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Private sector companies do not have this luxury however , and operate on a funding scheme where money placed into the fund is used to finance future pension payments .
2 Disputes under them are to be referred to arbitration , where contracts made on a particular exchange are in issue , and otherwise to the English courts .
3 They stopped outside the tall grey house in Hampstead , made subtle and mysterious today by the autumn mists ; the garden , where laurels grew with a lawn beyond , was wreathed in evanescent white .
4 where coins disappeared in the lining ;
5 Then she lit him up the stairs , and went before him into the panelled solar , where Rhodri rose from a tall chair by the fire to receive him .
6 Numerous studies are also cited where animals reared in an enriched or rich home environment were more successful problem solvers than those reared in impoverished environments or in laboratory cages .
7 Where steps cut through a lawn , a straight edging will be needed to the flight to make mowing easier
8 And he loosed his grip suddenly , and stood back with an oath , his hand going up to his lip where blood appeared at the site of her teeth-marks .
9 No trace of the plage de l'Arsenal , where Camus glimpsed for the first time the beauty of the Mediterranean .
10 On the whole his face gave little away , unlike Mr Kinnock 's , where emotion raced like the shadows of cloud and splashes of sunshine over a landscape .
11 They reached Cannes , where Ken got into the spirit of things again much to Paddick 's embarrassment .
12 We can perhaps clarify this particular case further by adopting a very simple notation , where r superscribed to a morpheme M indicates the entity ( whether identified explicitly or not ) demanded by the use of the morpheme M , which we shall call its referential locus .
13 He 'd been shown to the interview room where Scott sat with a uniformed officer close by the door .
14 Dustin and Schisgal had met earlier in August 1966 at the Berkshire Theater Festival in Stockbridge , Massachusetts , where Dustin acted in a number of Schisgal plays — the Old Jew in the play of that name , Max in Reverberations ( changed later to The Basement ) and Jax in Fragments .
15 Subsequently , iron ore was also mined at Boulby , and the foundations of a shanty town of corrugated iron huts , locally nicknamed ‘ Tin City ’ , remain where miners lived until the 1930s .
16 He stopped where Tallis stood on the wall .
17 Where Einstein broke through the previously accepted notions of space and time and re-ordered the fundamental concepts of established physics around the single constant of the velocity of light , Barth undertook a comparable reorientation of theology around the single centre of Jesus Christ .
18 Eventually , we arrived at a small , damp valley , peat and heather-filled , where insects hummed in the still air .
19 At last they came to a clearing , where Vic headed for a mossy log .
20 Gainsharing is favoured in many US hospitals , where surveys highlighted in the RNC report show that managers and nurses feel PRP is a potential demotivator .
21 Where Amanda discovered in the world divine intent , benevolent order and rigorous justice , her father had seen only chaos , hazard and malice .
22 I was shown into a bare room where paper spilled from the desks then taken back round the main hall .
23 Some of the earlier references to the area have confirmed that this was near the site of the 17th century Kings Forge , where iron produced in the Kings Furnace , a mile away , was refined .
24 Where Lewis looked at the world around him , even when he was writing autobiography , Leavis looked ever more attentively at himself .
25 ‘ faultless ’ manager of the Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , ( opened 1826 ) , where CD stayed on the eve of his departure for America in 1842 .
26 Investigations using an emission analyser identified the bag house , where air exhausted from the paint mixing tanks is filtered , as the main culprit .
27 There was a card club which met once a week in winter , where Green played with a group of about a dozen , including his doctor , Richard Scambler , and James Fleming of Grasmere and the Partridges , Robert and Edward .
28 Where Leila groped in the dark , this man emanated light .
29 Where invoices recorded on the statement have not been received or have been mislaid , copies will be required from the supplier .
30 Where property comprised in a settlement is situate outside the United Kingdom , the property is excluded property unless the settlor was domiciled in the United Kingdom at the time the settlement was made ( IHTA 1984 , s48(3) ) .
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