Example sentences of "[det] [Wh pn] [vb base] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 But one of the unkind truths of tourism is that backward places are more appealing because they have changed much less ; the Upper Soule , in its more inaccessible parts , is just what many who come to the Pyrenees want : rawly natural .
2 The separate phases of education and training should be made visible to those who contribute to the process — teachers , employers , trainers and funders .
3 ‘ We are not aiming at a local audience , but are bearing the EEC in mind , and of course all those who come to the Frankfurt Book Fair at the same time . ’
4 The same report re-announced the prosecutions of specific groups ( street traders , casual workers , mini cab drivers and despatch riders in London , the South Coast , Birmingham and Scotland ) with the suggestion that a larger number of claimants are involved than those who come to the courts .
5 First , those who come to the Park to enjoy it can not do so , because of all the traffic .
6 Why should those who come to the Park for enjoyment and healthy exercise — walking , cycling , jogging etc — have to put up with the danger , the noise , and the pollution created by those who are looking only to their own convenience ?
7 Those who get to the top use interpersonal skills rather than force .
8 Those who cling to an impression of Reger as an unrelievedly turgid and ponderous musician should certainly sample the 6 Burlesques of 1901 which open this recital .
9 John believes there should be tougher sentences for violent criminals , rather than clogging up the jails with those who object to the poll tax .
10 Those who rise to the top in public affairs work can expect social recognition as well as good financial rewards .
11 Here I want to vary the times so that I hear from a true cross-section of our listeners , and those who listen to the graveyard shift , for instance , probably never hear the breakfast show .
12 A further formulation might come from those who hold to a wider sense of the mission of higher education .
13 Those who go to a church may find comfort and understanding there , as well as opportunities for wider social contact , in a sympathetic context .
14 Those who subscribe to the Institute 's Proceedings say that one of the most valuable contributions it makes has been the books that are reviewed by our members and this listing of books recently published or announced .
15 Those who consent to the authority of reasonably just governments or respect their laws are subject to their authority and have an obligation to obey their laws .
16 At the last , immortal glory will be the reward of those who adhere to the Truth , whereas the followers of the Lie will be condemned to ‘ a long age of darkness , foul food and cries of woe ’ .
17 Those who adhere to the adversary politics thesis support , for reasons that will be explained later , a reform of the electoral system .
18 There is also a natural reluctance to own up to being a ‘ failure ’ , so the students who do vanish probably include a higher percentage of unemployed people than do those who respond to the universities ' questions .
19 Those who belong to a particular group or stratum will have some awareness of common interests and a common identity .
20 There is a real difference between those who belong to the home because they have a natural relationship with the parents , and those who do n't .
21 This comes inevitably to those who belong to the Kingdom precisely because it is ‘ not of this world ’ and presents such a challenge which arouses hostility .
22 I can see nothing in democratic thinking which allows us to think of " the people " as anything other than the whole body of citizens , minorities as well as majorities , those who oppose and dissent as well as those who belong to the dominant majority .
23 ( Under the scheme , those who belong to an occupational scheme which provides a pension at least as good as the state can partially contract out of the state scheme and pay a lower contribution . )
24 But in the important area of mountain lunches , for example , my experiences ( and the distilled findings of those who report to The Good Skiing Guide on such matters ) point to parity between France and Switzerland , with Austria and Italy providing worthwhile savings .
25 The division between those who look naturally to the private sector and those who look to the public is geographical as much as ideological .
26 Although this amendment would not apply to any method other than dumping ( such as penetrometers or drilled emplacement ) , it would form an unwelcome precedent for those who look to the ocean as a solution to their problems of managing waste .
27 The researcher goes out looking for respondents who conform to the quota requirements , either by knocking on doors or by asking people in the street to participate : it must be stressed that the point is not to interview everyone who happens to live on the street or who happens to pass by , but only those who conform to the quota controls and in the proportions specified .
28 Only those who move to the Official Unionists have continued to win elections .
29 Those who travel to the stars and back will find
30 It also looks after United Distillers and Guinness Brewing Worldwide employees and makes sure that those who travel to the far flung parts of Guinness 's empire have the right inoculations and advice for their trips .
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