Example sentences of "[det] [adv] [verb] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The TUC and the Institute sought a compulsory compensation scheme similar to that successfully operated in Sweden .
2 That only happened in fairy-tales .
3 No , that only happened in films .
4 But the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent development of Soviet society produced an emphasis upon another strand in Marxist thought about the transition to socialism ( one which had not hitherto been given much prominence ) involving the idea of the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ; and in the specific conditions prevailing in Russia , which differed entirely from those in Western Europe , this soon evolved in practice into the dictatorship of the Bolshevik party , then the dictatorship of the party 's central committee , and finally the dictatorship of a single individual .
5 Another doggedly persisted in identification along the lines of ‘ … it looks a bit like an animal … four footed — the shape — the middle …
6 This generally resulted in processes by which companies tried
7 Some just stayed in London The " Owl and the Pussycat " rowed up Regent 's Canal in a donated boat while the " Quaffing Quartet " completed the monopoly board of London , mainly on foot , and " Bridge the Gap " rode tandems across 20 London bridges .
8 This already happens in Sweden , the United States and Canada where it is considered a much cheaper option .
9 This already exists in embryo : for instance , there is a European passport and a European flag .
10 Self-mutilation , which may result in disfigurement. this usually occurs in individuals with psychotic illnesses , such as schizophrenia , and may or may not endanger life .
11 What this usually means in practice , however , is that they can more effectively control and manipulate the behaviour of their ‘ pupil ’ .
12 Some always arrive in August and numbers increase steadily thereafter .
13 Now we have This rise in income from period t to period t + 1 will cause both consumption and investment in the next period , period t + 2 , to rise : This further rise in income from period t + I to t + 2 will cause consumption and investment in period t + 3 to rise yet again :
14 Concern about the inherent cruelty of this hardly appears in literature until after the Second World War .
15 Ditches old and new kept the new arrivals from too close an approach to the massive town walls , but , to be sure , this also applied in reverse ; the enemy were just out of range of Berwick 's cannon .
16 Erm , and this also explains in part , why he er complains made by-rules and all concerned what was into Europe , did not materialize .
17 An atypical presentation may contribute to a diagnostic delay , although this also occurred in patients with more specific symptoms .
18 This now emerged in lectures and papers given to a variety of audiences , including doctors , teachers , social workers , and other members of the helping professions , as well as analysts .
19 This originally stood in Warwick Lane , east London , and abutted on to the eastern side of Newgate Prison .
20 It 's not quite as thick as it was the other day when it was just er constant , whereas this really went in patches .
21 This often results in delay — postponing the choice by finding an excuse or setting an unnecessarily long timescale .
22 This often results in confusion about the committee 's precise remit and a lack of focus in its operations .
23 I realized later that this often happens in England , when we laugh at someone of no family , fortune , or intelligence , who pretends to be as important as our great leaders .
24 This often happens in theorem proving .
25 Others have embarked on careers in teaching ( at all levels ) , and a good few now work in journalism and the mass media .
26 The danger of course will be that once the form and nature of the tests are known some teachers may be tempted — some even told in schools where league tables will be revered — to teach to the test .
27 This simply led in June 1983 to a ‘ Solemn Declaration on European Union ’ by the European Council , which did no more than restate existing practices in flowery language .
28 Although this theoretically results in black , the inaccuracies in the ink pigments tend to result in a greenish black .
29 This occasionally resulted in amendments — more often it took the form of assurances from ministers about future intentions .
30 In further car bomb attacks on Dec. 14 attributed to ETA , a policeman was killed in the town of Amorebieta , east of Bilbao in the province of Viscaya , and another seriously injured in San Sebastián .
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