Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In spite of some side-swipes at the theories of Raymond Federman , Barth 's own fictional practice is not necessarily at odds with that of the latter .
2 By 1985 the average had dropped but the spread was narrower , with a few exceptions at the extremes ( the Manchester Evening News with 300,000 and the Darlington Evening Echo with 12,000 ) .
3 Some customers at the shows ask the strangest questions .
4 Bands usually look better if a few needles at the edges are knitted in stocking stitch which will roll and give a neat firm edge .
5 Managers were encouraged by corporate head office to eradicate such excesses at the work-outs , not to refer them to committees or put them through the proper channels .
6 For most Germans it was bewildering that they should suffer such losses at the hands of a country that had not existed for over 100 years .
7 What sense can we make of support for these parties at the polls ?
8 ERS-1 is expected to return the first quantitive data on these processes at the poles .
9 The scales are certainly atomic , so we are entitled to regard these charges at the surfaces as having spread out in two dimensions only .
10 All of these trims at the margins which I would suggest , detract from the quality of life of people in this city , something that we regret , but something which can and has been enforced upon us .
11 I have myself spent many hours at the police station compiling an accurate photo-fit of the stand and , through my many contacts in the local underworld , supplied them with the names of many undesirables known to deal in second-hand wood .
12 I do n't think they teach those tricks at the seminaries any more . ’
13 As for those defeats at the hands of Botham and Sidcombe I would rate both , in footballing terms , as nightmares .
14 Since black people in the southern states have suffered more injustices at the hands of the law they tend to be less likely to hand out death sentences .
15 It 's those men at the docks .
16 There were more shutters at the windows of the building , only one of which was open .
17 And though the notion of the ‘ common good ’ went through several transformations at the hands of the New Liberals , it continued , in Hobhouse 's words , to require ‘ a readiness to forgo personal advantage for the general gain , a recognition of mutual dependence ’ .
18 Do you , have you had much contact erm with , with anyone who , with erm any parents at the flats that ha have been bringing up kids there ?
19 5.14.1 any act omission or negligence of the Tenant or any persons at the Premises expressly or impliedly with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] or
20 He concedes that it is not possible , within the compass available , to give ‘ a representative sample ’ of what all psychology is about , and readers will share his own frustrations at the omissions .
21 Were there ever any strikes at the docks ?
22 In the week leading up to the Fayre the committee spends most days at the Sports ground doing the million and one last minute jobs and testing the games .
23 Other agreements signed by most participants at the meetings included ( i ) reducing armed forces of the former Soviet Union ; ( ii ) reducing chemical weapons in accordance with international agreements ; ( iii ) creating a single air space , a single information space and , in principle , a CIS television and radio company ; ( iv ) social provision for servicemen ; and ( v ) agreement on border troops .
24 Most confessions at the police holding centres have been signed during the first two days of custody .
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