Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] on the same " in BNC.

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1 On receipt of an application from the member for permission to purchase and use these chemicals on the same basis as farmers and commercial growers , supported by the RSC statement , MAFF would issue a licence to do so .
2 The only fair system is to tax all drinks on the same basis according to their alcoholic content . ’
3 As the programme of meetings rolled on , sometimes with many presentations on the same day , Horsley was exhilarated , amazed and excited .
4 We talked a lot during those months on the same bench together , and it was his influence which set me on the trade union path .
5 The effect is to maintain more animals on the same food supply , but with less metabolically active individuals , so that retention or re-evolution of poikilothermy is part of a syndrome of cryptic , relatively sedentary individuals with relatively high opportunities for contact and mating : 8.5 three-toed sloths and 1.2 two-toed sloths per ha .
6 We 've been talking about the amount of coverage on television and we do have one or two more callers on the same subject , but if you want to broaden the discussion out to other aspects of what 's going on in the Gulf , do feel free .
7 One may truly get the sense of the Reeve 's Tale being played by the same company with the same costumes on the same stage as the Miller 's Tale : Absolon 's red hose for the " " halyday " " ( 3319 – 40 ) re-appear early on ( 3952 – 5 ) , and the daughter has the same grey eyes as the delicate Absolon ( 3317 , 3974 ) .
8 AS , in thee matches , they both faced the same bowlers on the same pitches , it may be deduced that , as batsmen , they are of roughly equal merit .
9 Just over five and a half years later , I stood on the same spot and watched the Israelis drive down the same road to be greeted in precisely the same way by the same Christians on the same balconies .
10 Those in homes where everyone had the same doctor might receive less individual attention at visits if general practitioners saw several patients on the same visit .
11 The market traders rent stalls from the market manager , and usually occupy the same stalls on the same days .
12 On the other hand , if we look at a later decision-making episode in the same project when the pupils are temporarily in role as Indians who have to decide whether or not to receive a white stranger into their midst ( p. 53 ) , this is more likely to have been played seriously as a real game for by then the children , after several lessons on the same project , were steeped in the material sufficiently deeply to respect the rich complexity of the problem .
13 It is seldom that a week passes by without my having several letters on the same theme .
14 For each i , bound unc is disjoint from free(P) , unc and the components of x. unc implies unc is SKIP and unc is unc where the unc are incomparable subsets of unc with the property that if unc = c ! e and unc = c ! f ( both outputs on the same channel ) , then
15 The clerk to the committee wrote to both parents on the same day giving the committee 's grounds for rejecting the appeals .
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