Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do remember , at the discussions with Verity , they even had a few sketches done of the kind of clothes she would wear .
2 With a turnover of about £250m , Virgin Records is one of the few independents left in the music business .
3 So , in an effort to once and for all give you the facts on why we 're Fun Factor Number 1 , we 've called in a few experts to run through the complete bizzo .
4 Sir Derek will resist pressure from some shareholders to resign in the belief that this is largely a minority view .
5 In an hour he was ready , his map taped to the gas tank , his few possessions strapped on the seat behind him .
6 Few illustrations survive of the interiors of funeral furnishing establishments prior to the introduction of the camera .
7 The Girls used a combination of numbers five and nine ; a few streaks painted on the cheeks , chin , nose and forehead were blended with the fingertips .
8 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 . ’
9 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 , ’ ( UX No 375 ) .
10 When I was ill she gave me some herbs made into a medicine and I got better quite quickly .
11 Concern with the nature and structure of knowledge is a continuing if not always explicit aspect of many subjects , but few discussions go beyond the single discipline or field .
12 And some acts committed by a trader were considered misdemeanours which , committed by a trader , were no offence at all .
13 But Coun Michael Carr , Labour leader of the council , said apart from some meetings held during the recess he was not aware of any difficulties .
14 He lay for some minutes listening to the clatter of boots , slamming of doors and distant shouts before the snorts and squeals of armoured personnel carriers below his window made him realise this was far from normal and was , in fact , an Agile Blade .
15 ‘ Goodnight , ’ she answered , and went swiftly to her room , to spend some minutes leaning against the door with a dreamy smile on her face .
16 Some employers recruit on the basis of interviews held in hotels as visiting recruitment forums .
17 Some prisoners benefiting from the general amnesty of March 7 had been detained following earlier incidents in October 1987 and October 1988 .
18 Once in the park , Joyce 's mother had stopped to talk to another young woman while Joyce herself sat watching some birds pecking at the remains of a sandwich that someone had dropped on the path .
19 For example , a neutral statement following on from the sentence about Mary and her teacher was Mary heard some birds singing outside the classroom window .
20 Noticing some birds feeding near the Inner Voder , we made a detour and were delighted to find a party of Manx shearwaters .
21 So you 've just got to work out some way that 'll make sense to you for remembering which way round they go and probably one good way is just write them out quite a few times think of a lot of words beginning with D.
22 She was examining a few canvases stacked against the wall but she looked up at his question .
23 In the enthusiasm of the renewed emphasis on the Spirit these days he is some times presented as the pathway to power in the Christian life , the secret of success in personal living and in service .
24 That slag was at some times tapped during the period is shown by the debris at Shakenoak , which was accompanied by the day linings from four furnaces and forging hearths .
25 A wide semicircle of Germans and Repubblichini formed on the edge of the pianura near Parma and moved up towards the mountains , looting and burning villages ; some times shooting in the air to spread terror and sometimes hanging or deporting the inhabitants .
26 However , he did concede that " there were indications that some activities and individuals might have been motivated to prevent success in constitutional goals " and that " some activities led to the deaths of people " .
27 A further important complication for the study of implementation introduced by the involvement of professionals is that some activities depend upon the co-operation of two or more professional groups .
28 These people and their children differ from the so-called mixed race children only in terms of time , and are only a few generations removed from the point at which the mixture occurred .
29 We would go down to the Seine and speak of water , boats and fish ; or we would go to the public park , where a few birds languished in an ancient aviary and the old mynah bird entertained us with a lavish range of endearments .
30 In the case of ancient or medieval coinage the existence in different groups of coins of different or similar patterns of die axis may support or reduce the likelihood of some coins belonging in the same group .
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