Example sentences of "[det] [prep] it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As each person dies , he does so in a little skirmish of the platoon that is parallel to , and reflects , one of the four major disastrous battles of the war — Dunkirk , Dieppe , Alamein and Arnhem — which is shown in tinted black-and-white footage , some of which we shot and some of it archive material .
2 This reply raises large issues ; but chapter 5 contains a lengthy argument that if there is any non-inferential knowledge , some of it concerns things other than our sensory states — so why not sheep , for instance ?
3 None the less , large sums of public money are still being spent on drainage , much of it to improve farmland .
4 However , the literature so far described is concerned almost entirely with social work at the micro level : individuals , families and small groups , much of it using techniques that are of little relevance to community work , for example behaviour modification .
5 The report contains comments from policymakers in borrowing countries , much of it criticizing Bank officials for ignoring local input while implementing policies decided at Bank headquarters .
6 This growth has accelerated in recent years , much of it taking place in the 1970s and it has been concentrated more in the higher levels of the education system .
7 The diversity of material was due to the fact that much of it came courtesy of local mill-owners .
8 In 1898 the Great Western Railway conveyed 5,978 tons of broccoli from Cornwall , much of it going north via Didcot , Birmingham , and Crewe .
9 Bacon , as an advocate of really long-term investment , said the concentration on tobacco was ‘ to the untimely prejudice of the main business ’ , though it is not easy to see what he thought the main business of a plantation ought to be — his essay was full of sensible advice , much of it showing signs of the influence of the Virginia experience , but he never explained why people should want to support this sort of enterprise , unless it was to be part of a programme for sending people abroad to reduce overpopulation .
10 Sir Christopher said : ‘ The treaty is far from perfect and much of it concerns issues that should be debated more thoroughly .
11 The CAB has developed considerable skill in training , as this chapter has demonstrated , and much of it has relevance outside the CAB as well as inside .
12 That was all he could say for quite a time ; but when he had recovered his confidence he said a lot more , all of it expressing gratitude to Sheila for her quick thinking and great pluck and shame for his own and Chuck 's roughness with her earlier .
13 Those outside it have salary systems tied to those for the industry in which they are operating .
14 She wondered how much he had witnessed , then realised he must have seen , and heard , most of it to order Paul Fisher to be carpeted , without suggesting Mr Drewer get her side of it .
15 Most of it happened thanks to tireless negotiations with opera houses , TV crews and recording companies in the west , but it has not so far turned out to be anything like a pact with the devil .
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