Example sentences of "[det] [prep] the [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The point is , that for the first time in decades , the environmentalists have a powerful voice — and a Government which claims to listen .
2 It was that for the first time something illogical had crept into her world .
3 The significance was not that a testator 's intentions were allowed to play more freely , but that for the first time the law was dealing with an open rather than a closed system , a system that offered unlimited possibilities for expansion .
4 I do n't know whether it affects anyone else but what happened to me was that for the first time in my adult life I began to feel part of a community .
5 What was new in Althusser was that for the first time this epistemological tradition was developed for a Marxism .
6 It is said that one of the merits of ‘ Documenta ’ this time round is that , with four much-travelled curators , it is truly international in its scope , and that for the first time it takes account of artists not operating in the great ‘ art capitals ’ …
7 They believe it will mean that for the first time in El Salvador 's history , there will be genuine political freedom .
8 He noticed too that for the first time since he had arrived at the Cages there was a total silence , as if all the eagles , and all the imprisoned creatures thereabout had instinctively understood that this old eagle 's troubled painful words marked an end to a terrible life ; and perhaps in some strange way the beginning of something none dared hope might come to pass .
9 Only out on the water with Pedro panting in the prow had she dared to admit that for the first time in her life she had felt herself a prisoner at the Hall .
10 Does he also admit that for the first time in the history of the national health service , waiting lists for day patients and in-patients combined have risen above 900,000 people ?
11 It is true , of course , that for the first time in 75 years , Russia now has in place the mechanisms of national democracy — a government whose president has been elected and a parliament able to enforce , by argument and voting , restraints on what the government does , as well as a constitutional court .
12 And I think a significant point is that for the first time in ninety three we were likely to take something in , in relation to B Sky B.
13 This for the first time established boards representing employers and workers to fix minimum wages in the largely ununionized ‘ sweated ’ industries .
14 Hazel and his companions had spent the night doing everything that came unnaturally to them , and this for the first time .
15 This for the first time drew explicit attention to the contradiction between the order EX 77268 of 17 May , the " Distone order " , that " Chetniks and dissident Jugoslavs " should be evacuated to Italy , and the agreement reached by 5 Corps that they should be handed over : " Ref F 77268 of 17 [ the Distone order ] .
16 Wycliffe did not prompt her but her mother , evidently hearing all this for the first time , had no such scruples .
17 This is because the students will be dealing with this for the first time and this is thought to be a clearer presentation .
18 Remember you 're going into this for the first time .
19 The tournaments have not only provided performance players ( 12–16 years of age ) , with realistic , intensive and challenging winter competition , they have also provided emerging new competitors aged 10 and 11 to the joys and pressures of competition , some for the first time .
20 The prospect of the full range being available in its entirety in Japan by the end of 1991 , has spurred new disc development , some for the first time incorporating graphics and sound .
21 This year he is revisiting those parts , and visiting some for the first time , for a series of regional bookselling reports for The Bookseller .
22 Chris Laidlaw , the All Black halfback , was another about the same time who , in fact , teamed with Mains ' brother Rick as the inside backs in an outstanding school team .
23 The children turned to face one another for the first time since the pastor had started to tell the story of the massacre .
24 Today threatened to be a write-off as far as work was concerned , but perhaps she could recoup some of the lost time later on .
25 Janet Bond , 42 , hospital employee ( left ) : ‘ I remember all this from the first time round !
26 ( You are rarely able to sample rhythms as often as you would like. ) ( a ) Are your 4 hours of observations made in a single session or a number of sessions ? ( b ) If it is a single session , is this at the same time or at different times each day ? ( c ) If it is at different times , then how do you arrange them ? ( d ) If it is a number of sessions , then how many ?
27 Nations have to do this at the same time as they keep up economic growth , or accept a drop in standards of living .
28 At the same time she has two babies ( one in each arm , asleep ) ; all this at the same time .
29 It should be sent ( or preferably taken ) as soon as possible , together with the free death certificate ( Form BD8 ) which you will have been given by the Registrar of Births and Deaths , to the local Social Security Office , and as in most cases there is an entitlement to a National Insurance death grant , application can be made for this at the same time .
30 Oh , bit hard carrying the dinner and this at the same time .
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