Example sentences of "[det] [prep] that would [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 This was done without the knowledge of Napoleon III , who was astonished by the amount and , interestingly , remarked that ‘ half of that would have been more than enough ’ .
2 Of course , much of that would have been done in his lectures , to which the anti-Aristotelian Exercises are an appendix .
3 All of that would have been well known to the Ephesians , who had been converted from false gods who had no glory , to be followers of the one true God whose glory had been demonstrated in the splendour , the brightness and the beauty of the Saviour .
4 All of that would seem set fair to ensure that , even in straitened circumstances , BBC Scotland would remain distinctive and discrete , its command of its own affairs at least preserved .
5 It was still his belief that part or all of that would come back when the tunnel was completed .
6 He can not delay any more for that would reduce his credibility among his Hong Kong constituents ; they would be justified , moreover , in thinking that further waiting would sacrifice their interests .
7 Any of that would have done .
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