Example sentences of "[det] [prep] which [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It was that through which he must pass next .
2 Into this imaginary world of people unable to learn from their market experience let us now introduce a group of outsiders who are themselves neither would-by sellers nor would-be buyers , but who are able to perceive opportunities for entrepreneurial profits ; that is , they are able to see where a good can be sold at a price higher than that for which it can be bought .
3 The tour is designed to give pupils an opportunity to experience a variety of activities , some of which they may wish to develop in the future .
4 Into the vacancy in men 's minds left by the retreat of the centennial myths of Christianity , crept strange cults and substitute faiths , some of which we shall look at in chapter ten .
5 Other tribal cosmologies exhibit analogous features some of which we shall consider later .
6 There were , and still are of course , immense difficulties in the way of quantifying human phenomena , some of which we shall touch on later .
7 There are many other products and services available from your bank , some of which you might never need , but some of which you probably will .
8 Time and time again he will charge for the snags which are in range , including some of which you may be unaware , or others you may think are out of range .
9 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
10 TENSE , the grammatical expression of time , is a source of two distinct kinds of problem , each of which we should consider .
11 These arrangements create three small zones in the brain in each of which there will be massive activity for rotation about one particular axis .
12 For example , the Oxford Text Archive is a collection of computerised texts , each of which you can buy on floppy disc for the price of a printed copy .
13 Because of what has gone before , young people coming into residential care need security and a sense of belonging , neither of which they may have experienced in great measure before .
14 Understanding involves an area more extensive than that of which one can be conscious ; one can not be outside and inside at the same time …
15 The Tories have much for which they should seek forgiveness .
16 We tried to make suggestions for character developments , all of which they would n't allow .
17 The journey and the sport would usefully consume at least three weeks , during all of which she would be beyond the regular or predictable reach of the mails .
18 All of which you will be tired of hearing but it has been brought about by my great fear that my husband will be taken off by the Brownings once more , this time to France and there is nothing we can do to prevent it they being the masters of our fate .
19 But when we emigrated to Mexico as teenagers with our mother and stepfather in the mid-fifties , he suddenly burst into articulate Spanish and English — to which he later added French and Indonesian — all of which he used to protect and further his folle indépendance .
20 Among them are a surprising ( or is it ? ) number of aeroplanes bearing Cayman Islands letters , many of which I 'll bet have never been near that tax ; haven , the late Cap'n Bob 's pair of liquidator-awaiting , Bermudan-registered Gulfstreams , appropriately VR-BOB and VR-BRM , and a host of N-numbered machines which no doubt the Gatwick-based FAA inspectors looking for illegally operated U.S.-registered aircraft will find enlightening .
21 A a as you and various other people likely said erm a lot of people regarded it as a kind of act of erm racial er disloyalty I 'm not bothered about what race I am , I 'm just bothered about the truth , and the truth is that I think erm Moses was not Jewish well who 's to know , who 's to know erm as I said it 's a fascinating book and if , if you like that kind of detective story approach to history , you , you might , you might enjoy reading it , erm there are , i it raises a lot of other issues , many of which I 'll talk about in the , in the lectures , so I , I wo n't waste time say repeating it all here .
22 Some indication of the immense editorial difficulties that arose , many of which I may say were not solved until the , the Pléiade edition in three volumes of nineteen fifty-four , some of the difficulty I think is hinted at , at any rate , in a recent description of the state of Proust 's papers at the moment of his death , and I quote : ‘ Huge packets of type- and manuscript , the pages festooned with half-illegible addenda , and blackened with savage deletions which had swallowed up entire paragraphs , heaped the ugly little bamboo table that stood near his death-bed , and overflowed from the shelves of the table along the top of the nearby chimneypiece .
23 It would be a more serious objection if there were no real truth there at all to which we can hope our judgements may approximate .
24 By this I do not mean that the question of criteria is unimportant , or that the distinction remains meaningful even if there are no ontological objects at all to which it might be applied .
25 Thus the sense of ‘ good ’ which is fundamental for ethics is that in which it can be expanded to ‘ good in itself ’ .
26 On 7 August the Cabinet accepted Ede 's conclusions that an amendment providing for the abolition of capital punishment could not be ruled out of order on the grounds that it did not come within the scope of the Bill , and that it would be impossible to grade murders into those for which capital punishment would be retained and those for which it would be abolished .
27 Knowing general family traits provided a good starting point and from assorted references I began to get an idea of the species I could hope to find myself and those for which I 'd need help .
28 This approach does not place the emphasis upon the problems with which solicitors do deal , but upon those with which they could deal .
29 Such a theory might claim , for instance , that to understand a proposition is to be able to tell the difference between circumstances in which one would be justified in believing it and those in which one would not .
30 None the less , it seems likely that the course of studies was so arranged that the students would pass through the same grades of medreses as those in which they would later teach : such would in any case seem to have been the practice in later times .
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