Example sentences of "[det] [prep] i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Oh God tha , they always leave that for me start off !
2 Bought that for me did n't I ?
3 This for me has always been important .
4 I did n't do this at I did n't know
5 ‘ It 's all too much for me to take in ! it 's like one of those awful science-fiction films they do on television , too complicated for words .
6 The general standard of living is so much better , I have a f—ed-up up family — who does n't have a f—ed-up family ? — I 'm screwed-up and should be in some psychiatrist 's office , but in general there was n't that much for me to worry about , and I think that 's a lot less common in England .
7 In my mind 's beady eye it was white with just a soupçon ( had I known the word soupçon ) of scarlet such as I 'd once seen June Allyson sport in a skating sequence in some Saturday morning picture .
8 Now place around the head of this statue angels ; place in his left hand a sword ; and light in his realistically enamelled eyes a welcome and a promise such as I had never , never in all my years seen .
9 It was an otter such as I had never seen before , with this all-over fawn coat .
10 In some elusive way , here before me was the representative of something , some enormous sphere of sensations and transcendent values such as I had only read about , something my Maker had withheld from me which I desperately needed .
11 We have also developed genetic sexing methods such as I described earlier for A. albimanus and we are using it with species such as A. gambiae s.s . ,
12 ‘ If you found someone such as I have just described it would let you off the hook . ’
13 An analogy such as I have just drawn in this three act drama of salvation can be dangerously misleading .
14 After the reception , we all went in to the ballroom for a five-course Scottish dinner such as I have not seen for years !
15 There was a fluency and an edification and upbuilding such as I have seldom seen .
16 A feeling , wrote Harsnet , such as I have never experienced before , not so much of wishing I had never been born , as never been born as me .
17 At that moment , and perhaps for an hour afterwards , I was on Cloud Nine — in a state of happiness , contentment , euphoria , joy and utter peace such as I have never experienced before or since : everything is all right , an inner voice said , and everything from now on will always be all right ; how wonderful to know that life can be like this .
18 The Centre provided a traditional Northwest salmon buffet , an experience such as I have never before encountered .
19 If you want a growth-type investment , such as I do n't know , Far Eastern fund , or something like that , or a , or even a European Special Situations , you n you , you might as well not use the P E P because they wh you get about one percent on er a growth P E P .
20 The number of people that I hear saying things such as I do n't remember stepping over people in the street five years ago and it 's true , in this city I do n't actually remember doing that , not with the frequency with which it happens today and your government and your party has no record to shout about , absolutely none .
21 This fabulous Autumn continues with a brilliance of colour such as I do n't ever remember , and we have been able to have some lovely walks .
22 ‘ He left it all to me to sort out with the planning department and I had to plead that we 'd lose him altogether if we made a problem . ’
23 That to me has always been a fruitless quest . ’
24 Otherwise it tends to make the whole picture , like , I went to er er one club once and there was a very nice portrait , not unlike this , there was a girl sitting on a stool , rather less clothes on than this girl has got and it was very nicely done except she was sitting on a painted stool and all the paint was chipped and that to me looked really tacky !
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